require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' require_relative 'shared/partition' describe "String#partition with String" do it_behaves_like :string_partition, :partition it "returns an array of substrings based on splitting on the given string" do "hello world".partition("o").should == ["hell", "o", " world"] end it "always returns 3 elements" do "hello".partition("x").should == ["hello", "", ""] "hello".partition("hello").should == ["", "hello", ""] end it "accepts regexp" do "hello!".partition(/l./).should == ["he", "ll", "o!"] end it "sets global vars if regexp used" do "hello!".partition(/(.l)(.o)/) $1.should == "el" $2.should == "lo" end it "converts its argument using :to_str" do find = mock('l') find.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("l") "hello".partition(find).should == ["he","l","lo"] end it "raises an error if not convertible to string" do ->{ "hello".partition(5) }.should raise_error(TypeError) ->{ "hello".partition(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "takes precedence over a given block" do "hello world".partition("o") { true }.should == ["hell", "o", " world"] end it "handles a pattern in a superset encoding" do string = "hello".dup.force_encoding(Encoding::US_ASCII) result = string.partition("é") result.should == ["hello", "", ""] result[0].encoding.should == Encoding::US_ASCII result[1].encoding.should == Encoding::US_ASCII result[2].encoding.should == Encoding::US_ASCII end it "handles a pattern in a subset encoding" do pattern = "o".dup.force_encoding(Encoding::US_ASCII) result = "héllo world".partition(pattern) result.should == ["héll", "o", " world"] result[0].encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 result[1].encoding.should == Encoding::US_ASCII result[2].encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 end end