# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'shared/encode' describe "String#encode" do before :each do @external = Encoding.default_external @internal = Encoding.default_internal end after :each do Encoding.default_external = @external Encoding.default_internal = @internal end it_behaves_like :string_encode, :encode describe "when passed no options" do it "returns a copy when Encoding.default_internal is nil" do Encoding.default_internal = nil str = "あ" encoded = str.encode encoded.should_not equal(str) encoded.should == str end it "returns a copy for a ASCII-only String when Encoding.default_internal is nil" do Encoding.default_internal = nil str = "abc" encoded = str.encode encoded.should_not equal(str) encoded.should == str end it "encodes an ascii substring of a binary string to UTF-8" do x82 = [0x82].pack('C') str = "#{x82}foo".force_encoding("binary")[1..-1].encode("utf-8") str.should == "foo".force_encoding("utf-8") str.encoding.should equal(Encoding::UTF_8) end end describe "when passed to encoding" do it "returns a copy when passed the same encoding as the String" do str = "あ" encoded = str.encode(Encoding::UTF_8) encoded.should_not equal(str) encoded.should == str end it "round trips a String" do str = "abc def".force_encoding Encoding::US_ASCII str.encode("utf-32be").encode("ascii").should == "abc def" end end describe "when passed options" do it "returns a copy when Encoding.default_internal is nil" do Encoding.default_internal = nil str = "あ" str.encode(invalid: :replace).should_not equal(str) end it "normalizes newlines" do "\r\nfoo".encode(universal_newline: true).should == "\nfoo" "\rfoo".encode(universal_newline: true).should == "\nfoo" end it "replaces invalid encoding in source with default replacement" do encoded = "ち\xE3\x81\xFF".encode("UTF-16LE", invalid: :replace) encoded.should == "\u3061\ufffd\ufffd".encode("UTF-16LE") encoded.encode("UTF-8").should == "ち\ufffd\ufffd" end it "replaces invalid encoding in source with a specified replacement" do encoded = "ち\xE3\x81\xFF".encode("UTF-16LE", invalid: :replace, replace: "foo") encoded.should == "\u3061foofoo".encode("UTF-16LE") encoded.encode("UTF-8").should == "ちfoofoo" end it "replaces invalid encoding in source using a specified replacement even when a fallback is given" do encoded = "ち\xE3\x81\xFF".encode("UTF-16LE", invalid: :replace, replace: "foo", fallback: -> c { "bar" }) encoded.should == "\u3061foofoo".encode("UTF-16LE") encoded.encode("UTF-8").should == "ちfoofoo" end it "replaces undefined encoding in destination with default replacement" do encoded = "B\ufffd".encode(Encoding::US_ASCII, undef: :replace) encoded.should == "B?".encode(Encoding::US_ASCII) encoded.encode("UTF-8").should == "B?" end it "replaces undefined encoding in destination with a specified replacement" do encoded = "B\ufffd".encode(Encoding::US_ASCII, undef: :replace, replace: "foo") encoded.should == "Bfoo".encode(Encoding::US_ASCII) encoded.encode("UTF-8").should == "Bfoo" end it "replaces undefined encoding in destination with a specified replacement even if a fallback is given" do encoded = "B\ufffd".encode(Encoding::US_ASCII, undef: :replace, replace: "foo", fallback: proc {|x| "bar"}) encoded.should == "Bfoo".encode(Encoding::US_ASCII) encoded.encode("UTF-8").should == "Bfoo" end it "replaces undefined encoding in destination using a fallback proc" do encoded = "B\ufffd".encode(Encoding::US_ASCII, fallback: proc {|x| "bar"}) encoded.should == "Bbar".encode(Encoding::US_ASCII) encoded.encode("UTF-8").should == "Bbar" end it "replaces invalid encoding in source using replace even when fallback is given as proc" do encoded = "ち\xE3\x81\xFF".encode("UTF-16LE", invalid: :replace, replace: "foo", fallback: proc {|x| "bar"}) encoded.should == "\u3061foofoo".encode("UTF-16LE") encoded.encode("UTF-8").should == "ちfoofoo" end end describe "when passed to, from" do it "returns a copy in the destination encoding when both encodings are the same" do str = "あ" str.force_encoding("binary") encoded = str.encode("utf-8", "utf-8") encoded.should_not equal(str) encoded.should == str.force_encoding("utf-8") encoded.encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 end it "returns the transcoded string" do str = "\x00\x00\x00\x1F" str.encode(Encoding::UTF_8, Encoding::UTF_16BE).should == "\u0000\u001f" end end describe "when passed to, options" do it "returns a copy when the destination encoding is the same as the String encoding" do str = "あ" encoded = str.encode(Encoding::UTF_8, undef: :replace) encoded.should_not equal(str) encoded.should == str end end describe "when passed to, from, options" do it "returns a copy when both encodings are the same" do str = "あ" encoded = str.encode("utf-8", "utf-8", invalid: :replace) encoded.should_not equal(str) encoded.should == str end it "returns a copy in the destination encoding when both encodings are the same" do str = "あ" str.force_encoding("binary") encoded = str.encode("utf-8", "utf-8", invalid: :replace) encoded.should_not equal(str) encoded.should == str.force_encoding("utf-8") encoded.encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 end end end describe "String#encode!" do before :each do @external = Encoding.default_external @internal = Encoding.default_internal end after :each do Encoding.default_external = @external Encoding.default_internal = @internal end it_behaves_like :string_encode, :encode! it "raises a FrozenError when called on a frozen String" do -> { "foo".freeze.encode!("euc-jp") }.should raise_error(FrozenError) end # http://redmine.ruby-lang.org/issues/show/1836 it "raises a FrozenError when called on a frozen String when it's a no-op" do -> { "foo".freeze.encode!("utf-8") }.should raise_error(FrozenError) end describe "when passed no options" do it "returns self when Encoding.default_internal is nil" do Encoding.default_internal = nil str = "あ" str.encode!.should equal(str) end it "returns self for a ASCII-only String when Encoding.default_internal is nil" do Encoding.default_internal = nil str = "abc" str.encode!.should equal(str) end end describe "when passed options" do it "returns self for ASCII-only String when Encoding.default_internal is nil" do Encoding.default_internal = nil str = "abc" str.encode!(invalid: :replace).should equal(str) end end describe "when passed to encoding" do it "returns self" do str = "abc" result = str.encode!(Encoding::BINARY) result.encoding.should equal(Encoding::BINARY) result.should equal(str) end end describe "when passed to, from" do it "returns self" do str = "ああ" result = str.encode!("euc-jp", "utf-8") result.encoding.should equal(Encoding::EUC_JP) result.should equal(str) end end end