# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' describe "String#dump" do it "does not take into account if a string is frozen" do "foo".freeze.dump.should_not.frozen? end ruby_version_is ''...'3.0' do it "returns a subclass instance" do StringSpecs::MyString.new.dump.should be_an_instance_of(StringSpecs::MyString) end end ruby_version_is '3.0' do it "returns a String instance" do StringSpecs::MyString.new.dump.should be_an_instance_of(String) end end it "wraps string with \"" do "foo".dump.should == '"foo"' end it "returns a string with special characters replaced with \\ notation" do [ ["\a", '"\\a"'], ["\b", '"\\b"'], ["\t", '"\\t"'], ["\n", '"\\n"'], ["\v", '"\\v"'], ["\f", '"\\f"'], ["\r", '"\\r"'], ["\e", '"\\e"'] ].should be_computed_by(:dump) end it "returns a string with \" and \\ escaped with a backslash" do [ ["\"", '"\\""'], ["\\", '"\\\\"'] ].should be_computed_by(:dump) end it "returns a string with \\# when # is followed by $, @, @@, {" do [ ["\#$PATH", '"\\#$PATH"'], ["\#@a", '"\\#@a"'], ["\#@@a", '"\\#@@a"'], ["\#{a}", '"\\#{a}"'] ].should be_computed_by(:dump) end it "returns a string with # not escaped when followed by any other character" do [ ["#", '"#"'], ["#1", '"#1"'] ].should be_computed_by(:dump) end it "returns a string with printable non-alphanumeric characters unescaped" do [ [" ", '" "'], ["!", '"!"'], ["$", '"$"'], ["%", '"%"'], ["&", '"&"'], ["'", '"\'"'], ["(", '"("'], [")", '")"'], ["*", '"*"'], ["+", '"+"'], [",", '","'], ["-", '"-"'], [".", '"."'], ["/", '"/"'], [":", '":"'], [";", '";"'], ["<", '"<"'], ["=", '"="'], [">", '">"'], ["?", '"?"'], ["@", '"@"'], ["[", '"["'], ["]", '"]"'], ["^", '"^"'], ["_", '"_"'], ["`", '"`"'], ["{", '"{"'], ["|", '"|"'], ["}", '"}"'], ["~", '"~"'] ].should be_computed_by(:dump) end it "returns a string with numeric characters unescaped" do [ ["0", '"0"'], ["1", '"1"'], ["2", '"2"'], ["3", '"3"'], ["4", '"4"'], ["5", '"5"'], ["6", '"6"'], ["7", '"7"'], ["8", '"8"'], ["9", '"9"'], ].should be_computed_by(:dump) end it "returns a string with upper-case alpha characters unescaped" do [ ["A", '"A"'], ["B", '"B"'], ["C", '"C"'], ["D", '"D"'], ["E", '"E"'], ["F", '"F"'], ["G", '"G"'], ["H", '"H"'], ["I", '"I"'], ["J", '"J"'], ["K", '"K"'], ["L", '"L"'], ["M", '"M"'], ["N", '"N"'], ["O", '"O"'], ["P", '"P"'], ["Q", '"Q"'], ["R", '"R"'], ["S", '"S"'], ["T", '"T"'], ["U", '"U"'], ["V", '"V"'], ["W", '"W"'], ["X", '"X"'], ["Y", '"Y"'], ["Z", '"Z"'] ].should be_computed_by(:dump) end it "returns a string with lower-case alpha characters unescaped" do [ ["a", '"a"'], ["b", '"b"'], ["c", '"c"'], ["d", '"d"'], ["e", '"e"'], ["f", '"f"'], ["g", '"g"'], ["h", '"h"'], ["i", '"i"'], ["j", '"j"'], ["k", '"k"'], ["l", '"l"'], ["m", '"m"'], ["n", '"n"'], ["o", '"o"'], ["p", '"p"'], ["q", '"q"'], ["r", '"r"'], ["s", '"s"'], ["t", '"t"'], ["u", '"u"'], ["v", '"v"'], ["w", '"w"'], ["x", '"x"'], ["y", '"y"'], ["z", '"z"'] ].should be_computed_by(:dump) end it "returns a string with non-printing ASCII characters replaced by \\x notation" do # Avoid the file encoding by computing the string with #chr. [ [0000.chr, '"\\x00"'], [0001.chr, '"\\x01"'], [0002.chr, '"\\x02"'], [0003.chr, '"\\x03"'], [0004.chr, '"\\x04"'], [0005.chr, '"\\x05"'], [0006.chr, '"\\x06"'], [0016.chr, '"\\x0E"'], [0017.chr, '"\\x0F"'], [0020.chr, '"\\x10"'], [0021.chr, '"\\x11"'], [0022.chr, '"\\x12"'], [0023.chr, '"\\x13"'], [0024.chr, '"\\x14"'], [0025.chr, '"\\x15"'], [0026.chr, '"\\x16"'], [0027.chr, '"\\x17"'], [0030.chr, '"\\x18"'], [0031.chr, '"\\x19"'], [0032.chr, '"\\x1A"'], [0034.chr, '"\\x1C"'], [0035.chr, '"\\x1D"'], [0036.chr, '"\\x1E"'], [0037.chr, '"\\x1F"'], [0177.chr, '"\\x7F"'], [0200.chr, '"\\x80"'], [0201.chr, '"\\x81"'], [0202.chr, '"\\x82"'], [0203.chr, '"\\x83"'], [0204.chr, '"\\x84"'], [0205.chr, '"\\x85"'], [0206.chr, '"\\x86"'], [0207.chr, '"\\x87"'], [0210.chr, '"\\x88"'], [0211.chr, '"\\x89"'], [0212.chr, '"\\x8A"'], [0213.chr, '"\\x8B"'], [0214.chr, '"\\x8C"'], [0215.chr, '"\\x8D"'], [0216.chr, '"\\x8E"'], [0217.chr, '"\\x8F"'], [0220.chr, '"\\x90"'], [0221.chr, '"\\x91"'], [0222.chr, '"\\x92"'], [0223.chr, '"\\x93"'], [0224.chr, '"\\x94"'], [0225.chr, '"\\x95"'], [0226.chr, '"\\x96"'], [0227.chr, '"\\x97"'], [0230.chr, '"\\x98"'], [0231.chr, '"\\x99"'], [0232.chr, '"\\x9A"'], [0233.chr, '"\\x9B"'], [0234.chr, '"\\x9C"'], [0235.chr, '"\\x9D"'], [0236.chr, '"\\x9E"'], [0237.chr, '"\\x9F"'], [0240.chr, '"\\xA0"'], [0241.chr, '"\\xA1"'], [0242.chr, '"\\xA2"'], [0243.chr, '"\\xA3"'], [0244.chr, '"\\xA4"'], [0245.chr, '"\\xA5"'], [0246.chr, '"\\xA6"'], [0247.chr, '"\\xA7"'], [0250.chr, '"\\xA8"'], [0251.chr, '"\\xA9"'], [0252.chr, '"\\xAA"'], [0253.chr, '"\\xAB"'], [0254.chr, '"\\xAC"'], [0255.chr, '"\\xAD"'], [0256.chr, '"\\xAE"'], [0257.chr, '"\\xAF"'], [0260.chr, '"\\xB0"'], [0261.chr, '"\\xB1"'], [0262.chr, '"\\xB2"'], [0263.chr, '"\\xB3"'], [0264.chr, '"\\xB4"'], [0265.chr, '"\\xB5"'], [0266.chr, '"\\xB6"'], [0267.chr, '"\\xB7"'], [0270.chr, '"\\xB8"'], [0271.chr, '"\\xB9"'], [0272.chr, '"\\xBA"'], [0273.chr, '"\\xBB"'], [0274.chr, '"\\xBC"'], [0275.chr, '"\\xBD"'], [0276.chr, '"\\xBE"'], [0277.chr, '"\\xBF"'], [0300.chr, '"\\xC0"'], [0301.chr, '"\\xC1"'], [0302.chr, '"\\xC2"'], [0303.chr, '"\\xC3"'], [0304.chr, '"\\xC4"'], [0305.chr, '"\\xC5"'], [0306.chr, '"\\xC6"'], [0307.chr, '"\\xC7"'], [0310.chr, '"\\xC8"'], [0311.chr, '"\\xC9"'], [0312.chr, '"\\xCA"'], [0313.chr, '"\\xCB"'], [0314.chr, '"\\xCC"'], [0315.chr, '"\\xCD"'], [0316.chr, '"\\xCE"'], [0317.chr, '"\\xCF"'], [0320.chr, '"\\xD0"'], [0321.chr, '"\\xD1"'], [0322.chr, '"\\xD2"'], [0323.chr, '"\\xD3"'], [0324.chr, '"\\xD4"'], [0325.chr, '"\\xD5"'], [0326.chr, '"\\xD6"'], [0327.chr, '"\\xD7"'], [0330.chr, '"\\xD8"'], [0331.chr, '"\\xD9"'], [0332.chr, '"\\xDA"'], [0333.chr, '"\\xDB"'], [0334.chr, '"\\xDC"'], [0335.chr, '"\\xDD"'], [0336.chr, '"\\xDE"'], [0337.chr, '"\\xDF"'], [0340.chr, '"\\xE0"'], [0341.chr, '"\\xE1"'], [0342.chr, '"\\xE2"'], [0343.chr, '"\\xE3"'], [0344.chr, '"\\xE4"'], [0345.chr, '"\\xE5"'], [0346.chr, '"\\xE6"'], [0347.chr, '"\\xE7"'], [0350.chr, '"\\xE8"'], [0351.chr, '"\\xE9"'], [0352.chr, '"\\xEA"'], [0353.chr, '"\\xEB"'], [0354.chr, '"\\xEC"'], [0355.chr, '"\\xED"'], [0356.chr, '"\\xEE"'], [0357.chr, '"\\xEF"'], [0360.chr, '"\\xF0"'], [0361.chr, '"\\xF1"'], [0362.chr, '"\\xF2"'], [0363.chr, '"\\xF3"'], [0364.chr, '"\\xF4"'], [0365.chr, '"\\xF5"'], [0366.chr, '"\\xF6"'], [0367.chr, '"\\xF7"'], [0370.chr, '"\\xF8"'], [0371.chr, '"\\xF9"'], [0372.chr, '"\\xFA"'], [0373.chr, '"\\xFB"'], [0374.chr, '"\\xFC"'], [0375.chr, '"\\xFD"'], [0376.chr, '"\\xFE"'], [0377.chr, '"\\xFF"'] ].should be_computed_by(:dump) end it "returns a string with non-printing single-byte UTF-8 characters replaced by \\x notation" do [ [0000.chr('utf-8'), '"\x00"'], [0001.chr('utf-8'), '"\x01"'], [0002.chr('utf-8'), '"\x02"'], [0003.chr('utf-8'), '"\x03"'], [0004.chr('utf-8'), '"\x04"'], [0005.chr('utf-8'), '"\x05"'], [0006.chr('utf-8'), '"\x06"'], [0016.chr('utf-8'), '"\x0E"'], [0017.chr('utf-8'), '"\x0F"'], [0020.chr('utf-8'), '"\x10"'], [0021.chr('utf-8'), '"\x11"'], [0022.chr('utf-8'), '"\x12"'], [0023.chr('utf-8'), '"\x13"'], [0024.chr('utf-8'), '"\x14"'], [0025.chr('utf-8'), '"\x15"'], [0026.chr('utf-8'), '"\x16"'], [0027.chr('utf-8'), '"\x17"'], [0030.chr('utf-8'), '"\x18"'], [0031.chr('utf-8'), '"\x19"'], [0032.chr('utf-8'), '"\x1A"'], [0034.chr('utf-8'), '"\x1C"'], [0035.chr('utf-8'), '"\x1D"'], [0036.chr('utf-8'), '"\x1E"'], [0037.chr('utf-8'), '"\x1F"'], [0177.chr('utf-8'), '"\x7F"'] ].should be_computed_by(:dump) end it "returns a string with multi-byte UTF-8 characters replaced by \\u{} notation with upper-case hex digits" do [ [0200.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0080"'], [0201.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0081"'], [0202.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0082"'], [0203.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0083"'], [0204.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0084"'], [0206.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0086"'], [0207.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0087"'], [0210.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0088"'], [0211.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0089"'], [0212.chr('utf-8'), '"\u008A"'], [0213.chr('utf-8'), '"\u008B"'], [0214.chr('utf-8'), '"\u008C"'], [0215.chr('utf-8'), '"\u008D"'], [0216.chr('utf-8'), '"\u008E"'], [0217.chr('utf-8'), '"\u008F"'], [0220.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0090"'], [0221.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0091"'], [0222.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0092"'], [0223.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0093"'], [0224.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0094"'], [0225.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0095"'], [0226.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0096"'], [0227.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0097"'], [0230.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0098"'], [0231.chr('utf-8'), '"\u0099"'], [0232.chr('utf-8'), '"\u009A"'], [0233.chr('utf-8'), '"\u009B"'], [0234.chr('utf-8'), '"\u009C"'], [0235.chr('utf-8'), '"\u009D"'], [0236.chr('utf-8'), '"\u009E"'], [0237.chr('utf-8'), '"\u009F"'], ].should be_computed_by(:dump) end it "includes .force_encoding(name) if the encoding isn't ASCII compatible" do "\u{876}".encode('utf-16be').dump.should.end_with?(".force_encoding(\"UTF-16BE\")") "\u{876}".encode('utf-16le').dump.should.end_with?(".force_encoding(\"UTF-16LE\")") end it "keeps origin encoding" do "foo".encode("ISO-8859-1").dump.encoding.should == Encoding::ISO_8859_1 "foo".encode('windows-1251').dump.encoding.should == Encoding::Windows_1251 1.chr.dump.encoding.should == Encoding::US_ASCII end end