# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' describe "String#<=> with String" do it "compares individual characters based on their ascii value" do ascii_order = Array.new(256) { |x| x.chr } sort_order = ascii_order.sort sort_order.should == ascii_order end it "returns -1 when self is less than other" do ("this" <=> "those").should == -1 end it "returns 0 when self is equal to other" do ("yep" <=> "yep").should == 0 end it "returns 1 when self is greater than other" do ("yoddle" <=> "griddle").should == 1 end it "considers string that comes lexicographically first to be less if strings have same size" do ("aba" <=> "abc").should == -1 ("abc" <=> "aba").should == 1 end it "doesn't consider shorter string to be less if longer string starts with shorter one" do ("abc" <=> "abcd").should == -1 ("abcd" <=> "abc").should == 1 end it "compares shorter string with corresponding number of first chars of longer string" do ("abx" <=> "abcd").should == 1 ("abcd" <=> "abx").should == -1 end it "ignores subclass differences" do a = "hello" b = StringSpecs::MyString.new("hello") (a <=> b).should == 0 (b <=> a).should == 0 end it "returns 0 if self and other are bytewise identical and have the same encoding" do ("ÄÖÜ" <=> "ÄÖÜ").should == 0 end it "returns 0 if self and other are bytewise identical and have the same encoding" do ("ÄÖÜ" <=> "ÄÖÜ").should == 0 end it "returns -1 if self is bytewise less than other" do ("ÄÖÛ" <=> "ÄÖÜ").should == -1 end it "returns 1 if self is bytewise greater than other" do ("ÄÖÜ" <=> "ÄÖÛ").should == 1 end it "ignores encoding difference" do ("ÄÖÛ".dup.force_encoding("utf-8") <=> "ÄÖÜ".dup.force_encoding("iso-8859-1")).should == -1 ("ÄÖÜ".dup.force_encoding("utf-8") <=> "ÄÖÛ".dup.force_encoding("iso-8859-1")).should == 1 end it "returns 0 with identical ASCII-compatible bytes of different encodings" do ("abc".dup.force_encoding("utf-8") <=> "abc".dup.force_encoding("iso-8859-1")).should == 0 end it "compares the indices of the encodings when the strings have identical non-ASCII-compatible bytes" do xff_1 = [0xFF].pack('C').force_encoding("utf-8") xff_2 = [0xFF].pack('C').force_encoding("iso-8859-1") (xff_1 <=> xff_2).should == -1 (xff_2 <=> xff_1).should == 1 end it "returns 0 when comparing 2 empty strings but one is not ASCII-compatible" do ("" <=> "".dup.force_encoding('iso-2022-jp')).should == 0 end end # Note: This is inconsistent with Array#<=> which calls #to_ary instead of # just using it as an indicator. describe "String#<=>" do it "returns nil if its argument provides neither #to_str nor #<=>" do ("abc" <=> mock('x')).should be_nil end it "uses the result of calling #to_str for comparison when #to_str is defined" do obj = mock('x') obj.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("aaa") ("abc" <=> obj).should == 1 end it "uses the result of calling #<=> on its argument when #<=> is defined but #to_str is not" do obj = mock('x') obj.should_receive(:<=>).and_return(-1) ("abc" <=> obj).should == 1 end it "returns nil if argument also uses an inverse comparison for <=>" do obj = mock('x') def obj.<=>(other); other <=> self; end obj.should_receive(:<=>).once ("abc" <=> obj).should be_nil end end