require_relative '../../spec_helper' with_feature :encoding do describe "String#clear" do before :each do @s = "Jolene" end it "sets self equal to the empty String" do @s.clear @s.should == "" end it "returns self after emptying it" do cleared = @s.clear cleared.should == "" cleared.should equal @s end it "preserves its encoding" do @s.encode!(Encoding::SHIFT_JIS) @s.encoding.should == Encoding::SHIFT_JIS @s.clear.encoding.should == Encoding::SHIFT_JIS @s.encoding.should == Encoding::SHIFT_JIS end it "works with multibyte Strings" do s = "\u{9765}\u{876}" s.clear s.should == "" end it "raises a #{frozen_error_class} if self is frozen" do @s.freeze lambda { @s.clear }.should raise_error(frozen_error_class) lambda { "".freeze.clear }.should raise_error(frozen_error_class) end end end