require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "Signal.trap" do platform_is_not :windows do before :each do ScratchPad.clear @proc = -> {} @saved_trap = Signal.trap(:HUP, @proc) @hup_number = Signal.list["HUP"] end after :each do Signal.trap(:HUP, @saved_trap) if @saved_trap end it "returns the previous handler" do Signal.trap(:HUP, @saved_trap).should equal(@proc) end it "accepts a block" do done = false Signal.trap(:HUP) do |signo| signo.should == @hup_number ScratchPad.record :block_trap done = true end Process.kill :HUP, Thread.pass until done ScratchPad.recorded.should == :block_trap end it "accepts a proc" do done = false handler = -> signo { signo.should == @hup_number ScratchPad.record :proc_trap done = true } Signal.trap(:HUP, handler) Process.kill :HUP, Thread.pass until done ScratchPad.recorded.should == :proc_trap end it "accepts a method" do done = false handler_class = hup_number = @hup_number handler_class.define_method :handler_method do |signo| signo.should == hup_number ScratchPad.record :method_trap done = true end handler_method = Signal.trap(:HUP, handler_method) Process.kill :HUP, Thread.pass until done ScratchPad.recorded.should == :method_trap end it "accepts anything you can call" do done = false callable = hup_number = @hup_number callable.singleton_class.define_method :call do |signo| signo.should == hup_number ScratchPad.record :callable_trap done = true end Signal.trap(:HUP, callable) Process.kill :HUP, Thread.pass until done ScratchPad.recorded.should == :callable_trap end it "raises an exception for a non-callable at the point of use" do not_callable = Signal.trap(:HUP, not_callable) -> { Process.kill :HUP, loop { Thread.pass } }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "accepts a non-callable that becomes callable when used" do done = false late_callable = hup_number = @hup_number Signal.trap(:HUP, late_callable) late_callable.singleton_class.define_method :call do |signo| signo.should == hup_number ScratchPad.record :late_callable_trap done = true end Process.kill :HUP, Thread.pass until done ScratchPad.recorded.should == :late_callable_trap end it "is possible to create a new Thread when the handler runs" do done = false Signal.trap(:HUP) do thr = { } thr.join ScratchPad.record( == done = true end Process.kill :HUP, Thread.pass until done ScratchPad.recorded.should be_true end it "registers an handler doing nothing with :IGNORE" do Signal.trap :HUP, :IGNORE Signal.trap(:HUP, @saved_trap).should == "IGNORE" end it "can register a new handler after :IGNORE" do Signal.trap :HUP, :IGNORE done = false Signal.trap(:HUP) do ScratchPad.record :block_trap done = true end Process.kill(:HUP, == 1 Thread.pass until done ScratchPad.recorded.should == :block_trap end it "ignores the signal when passed nil" do Signal.trap :HUP, nil Signal.trap(:HUP, @saved_trap).should be_nil end it "accepts :DEFAULT in place of a proc" do Signal.trap :HUP, :DEFAULT Signal.trap(:HUP, @saved_trap).should == "DEFAULT" end it "accepts :SIG_DFL in place of a proc" do Signal.trap :HUP, :SIG_DFL Signal.trap(:HUP, @saved_trap).should == "DEFAULT" end it "accepts :SIG_IGN in place of a proc" do Signal.trap :HUP, :SIG_IGN Signal.trap(:HUP, @saved_trap).should == "IGNORE" end it "accepts :IGNORE in place of a proc" do Signal.trap :HUP, :IGNORE Signal.trap(:HUP, @saved_trap).should == "IGNORE" end it "accepts 'SIG_DFL' in place of a proc" do Signal.trap :HUP, "SIG_DFL" Signal.trap(:HUP, @saved_trap).should == "DEFAULT" end it "accepts 'DEFAULT' in place of a proc" do Signal.trap :HUP, "DEFAULT" Signal.trap(:HUP, @saved_trap).should == "DEFAULT" end it "accepts 'SIG_IGN' in place of a proc" do Signal.trap :HUP, "SIG_IGN" Signal.trap(:HUP, @saved_trap).should == "IGNORE" end it "accepts 'IGNORE' in place of a proc" do Signal.trap :HUP, "IGNORE" Signal.trap(:HUP, @saved_trap).should == "IGNORE" end it "accepts long names as Strings" do Signal.trap "SIGHUP", @proc Signal.trap("SIGHUP", @saved_trap).should equal(@proc) end it "accepts short names as Strings" do Signal.trap "HUP", @proc Signal.trap("HUP", @saved_trap).should equal(@proc) end it "accepts long names as Symbols" do Signal.trap :SIGHUP, @proc Signal.trap(:SIGHUP, @saved_trap).should equal(@proc) end it "accepts short names as Symbols" do Signal.trap :HUP, @proc Signal.trap(:HUP, @saved_trap).should equal(@proc) end # See man 2 signal %w[KILL STOP].each do |signal| it "raises ArgumentError or Errno::EINVAL for SIG#{signal}" do -> { Signal.trap(signal, -> {}) }.should raise_error(StandardError) { |e| [ArgumentError, Errno::EINVAL].should include(e.class) e.message.should =~ /Invalid argument|Signal already used by VM or OS/ } end end it "allows to register a handler for all known signals, except reserved signals for which it raises ArgumentError" do out = ruby_exe(fixture(__FILE__, "trap_all.rb"), args: "2>&1") out.should == "OK\n" $?.exitstatus.should == 0 end it "returns 'DEFAULT' for the initial SIGINT handler" do ruby_exe("print Signal.trap(:INT) { abort }").should == 'DEFAULT' end it "returns SYSTEM_DEFAULT if passed DEFAULT and no handler was ever set" do Signal.trap("PROF", "DEFAULT").should == "SYSTEM_DEFAULT" end it "accepts 'SYSTEM_DEFAULT' and uses the OS handler for SIGPIPE" do code = <<-RUBY p Signal.trap('PIPE', 'SYSTEM_DEFAULT') r, w = IO.pipe r.close loop { w.write("a"*1024) } RUBY out = ruby_exe(code) status = $? out.should == "nil\n" status.should.signaled? status.termsig.should be_kind_of(Integer) Signal.signame(status.termsig).should == "PIPE" end end describe "the special EXIT signal code" do it "accepts the EXIT code" do code = "Signal.trap(:EXIT, proc { print 1 })" ruby_exe(code).should == "1" end it "runs the proc before at_exit handlers" do code = "at_exit {print 1}; Signal.trap(:EXIT, proc {print 2}); at_exit {print 3}" ruby_exe(code).should == "231" end it "can unset the handler" do code = "Signal.trap(:EXIT, proc { print 1 }); Signal.trap(:EXIT, 'DEFAULT')" ruby_exe(code).should == "" end end end