describe :regexp_eql, shared: true do it "is true if self and other have the same pattern" do /abc/.send(@method, /abc/).should == true /abc/.send(@method, /abd/).should == false end not_supported_on :opal do it "is true if self and other have the same character set code" do /abc/.send(@method, /abc/x).should == false /abc/x.send(@method, /abc/x).should == true /abc/u.send(@method, /abc/n).should == false /abc/u.send(@method, /abc/u).should == true /abc/n.send(@method, /abc/n).should == true end end it "is true if other has the same #casefold? values" do /abc/.send(@method, /abc/i).should == false /abc/i.send(@method, /abc/i).should == true end not_supported_on :opal do it "is true if self does not specify /n option and other does" do //.send(@method, //n).should == true end it "is true if self specifies /n option and other does not" do //n.send(@method, //).should == true end end end