require 'thread' pid_file = ARGV.shift scenario = ARGV.shift # We must do this first otherwise there will be a race with the process that # creates this process and the TERM signal below could go to that process # instead, which will likely abort the specs process. Process.setsid if scenario mutex = Signal.trap(:TERM) do if mutex.try_lock STDOUT.puts "signaled" STDOUT.flush $signaled = true end end, "wb") { |f| f.puts } if scenario # We are sending a signal to the process group process = "Process.getpgrp" case scenario when "self" signal = %["SIGTERM"] process = "0" when "group_numeric" signal = %[-Signal.list["TERM"]] when "group_short_string" signal = %["-TERM"] when "group_full_string" signal = %["-SIGTERM"] else raise "unknown scenario: #{scenario.inspect}" end code = "Process.kill(#{signal}, #{process})" system(ENV["RUBY_EXE"], *ENV["RUBY_FLAGS"].split(' '), "-e", code) end sleep 0.001 until mutex.locked? and $signaled