module ProcessSpecs class Daemon def initialize(argv) args, @input, @data, @behavior = argv @args = Marshal.load [args].pack("H*") @no_at_exit = false end def run send @behavior # Exit without running any at_exit handlers exit!(0) if @no_at_exit end def write(data), "wb") { |f| f.puts data } end def daemonizing_at_exit at_exit do write "running at_exit" end @no_at_exit = true Process.daemon write "not running at_exit" end def return_value write Process.daemon.to_s end def pid parent = Process.daemon daemon = write "#{parent}:#{daemon}" end def process_group parent = Process.getpgrp Process.daemon daemon = Process.getpgrp write "#{parent}:#{daemon}" end def daemon_at_exit at_exit do write "running at_exit" end Process.daemon end def stay_in_dir Process.daemon(*@args) write Dir.pwd end def keep_stdio_open_false_stdout Process.daemon(*@args) $stdout.write "writing to stdout" write "" end def keep_stdio_open_false_stderr Process.daemon(*@args) $stderr.write "writing to stderr" write "" end def keep_stdio_open_false_stdin Process.daemon(*@args) # Reading from /dev/null will return right away. If STDIN were not # /dev/null, reading would block and the spec would hang. This is not a # perfect way to spec the behavior but it works. write $ end def keep_stdio_open_true_stdout $stdout.reopen @data Process.daemon(*@args) $stdout.write "writing to stdout" end def keep_stdio_open_true_stderr $stderr.reopen @data Process.daemon(*@args) $stderr.write "writing to stderr" end def keep_stdio_open_true_stdin, "w") { |f| f.puts "reading from stdin" } $stdin.reopen @input, "r" Process.daemon(*@args) write $ end def keep_stdio_open_files file = @input, "w" Process.daemon(*@args) write file.closed? end end end