require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "Process.detach" do platform_is_not :windows do it "returns a thread" do pid = Process.fork { Process.exit! } thr = Process.detach(pid) thr.should be_kind_of(Thread) thr.join end it "produces the exit Process::Status as the thread value" do pid = Process.fork { Process.exit! } thr = Process.detach(pid) thr.join status = thr.value status.should be_kind_of(Process::Status) == pid end platform_is_not :openbsd do it "reaps the child process's status automatically" do pid = Process.fork { Process.exit! } Process.detach(pid).join -> { Process.waitpid(pid) }.should raise_error(Errno::ECHILD) end end it "sets the :pid thread-local to the PID" do pid = Process.fork { Process.exit! } thr = Process.detach(pid) thr.join thr[:pid].should == pid end it "provides a #pid method on the returned thread which returns the PID" do pid = Process.fork { Process.exit! } thr = Process.detach(pid) thr.join == pid end it "tolerates not existing child process pid" do # Use a value that is close to the INT_MAX (pid usually is signed int). # It should (at least) be greater than allowed pid limit value that depends on OS. pid_not_existing = 2.pow(30) # Check that there is no a child process with this hardcoded pid. # Command `kill 0 pid`: # - returns "1" if a process exists and # - raises Errno::ESRCH otherwise -> { Process.kill(0, pid_not_existing) }.should raise_error(Errno::ESRCH) thr = Process.detach(pid_not_existing) thr.join thr.should be_kind_of(Thread) end it "calls #to_int to implicitly convert non-Integer pid to Integer" do pid ='mock-enumerable') pid.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(100500) Process.detach(pid).join end it "raises TypeError when pid argument does not have #to_int method" do -> { Process.detach( }.should raise_error(TypeError, "no implicit conversion of Object into Integer") end it "raises TypeError when #to_int returns non-Integer value" do pid ='mock-enumerable') pid.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(:symbol) -> { Process.detach(pid) }.should raise_error(TypeError, "can't convert MockObject to Integer (MockObject#to_int gives Symbol)") end end end