require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "Numeric#to_c" do before :all do @numbers = [ 0, 29871, 99999999999999**99, -72628191273, Rational(2,3), Rational(1.898), Rational(-238), 29282.2827, -2927.00091, 0.0, 12.0, Float::MAX, infinity_value, nan_value ] end it "returns a Complex object" do @numbers.each do |number| number.to_c.should be_an_instance_of(Complex) end end it "uses self as the real component" do @numbers.each do |number| real = number.to_c.real if Float === number and number.nan? real.nan?.should be_true else real.should == number end end end it "uses 0 as the imaginary component" do @numbers.each do |number| number.to_c.imag.should == 0 end end end