describe :kernel_sprintf, shared: true do describe "integer formats" do it "converts argument into Integer with to_int" do obj = def obj.to_i; 10; end def obj.to_int; 10; end obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(10)"%b", obj).should == "1010" end it "converts argument into Integer with to_i if to_int isn't available" do obj = def obj.to_i; 10; end obj.should_receive(:to_i).and_return(10)"%b", obj).should == "1010" end it "converts String argument with Kernel#Integer" do"%d", "0b1010").should == "10""%d", "112").should == "112""%d", "0127").should == "87""%d", "0xc4").should == "196" end it "raises TypeError exception if cannot convert to Integer" do -> {"%b", }.should raise_error(TypeError) end ["b", "B"].each do |f| describe f do it "converts argument as a binary number" do"%#{f}", 10).should == "1010" end it "displays negative number as a two's complement prefixed with '..1'" do"%#{f}", -10).should == "..1" + "0110" end it "collapse negative number representation if it equals 1" do"%#{f}", -1).should_not == "..11""%#{f}", -1).should == "..1" end end end ["d", "i", "u"].each do |f| describe f do it "converts argument as a decimal number" do"%#{f}", 112).should == "112""%#{f}", -112).should == "-112" end it "works well with large numbers" do"%#{f}", 1234567890987654321).should == "1234567890987654321" end end end describe "o" do it "converts argument as an octal number" do"%o", 87).should == "127" end it "displays negative number as a two's complement prefixed with '..7'" do"%o", -87).should == "..7" + "651" end it "collapse negative number representation if it equals 7" do"%o", -1).should_not == "..77""%o", -1).should == "..7" end end describe "x" do it "converts argument as a hexadecimal number" do"%x", 196).should == "c4" end it "displays negative number as a two's complement prefixed with '..f'" do"%x", -196).should == "..f" + "3c" end it "collapse negative number representation if it equals f" do"%x", -1).should_not == "..ff""%x", -1).should == "..f" end end describe "X" do it "converts argument as a hexadecimal number with uppercase letters" do"%X", 196).should == "C4" end it "displays negative number as a two's complement prefixed with '..f'" do"%X", -196).should == "..F" + "3C" end it "collapse negative number representation if it equals F" do"%X", -1).should_not == "..FF""%X", -1).should == "..F" end end end describe "float formats" do it "converts argument into Float" do obj = mock("float") obj.should_receive(:to_f).and_return(9.6)"%f", obj).should == "9.600000" end it "raises TypeError exception if cannot convert to Float" do -> {"%f", }.should raise_error(TypeError) end {"e" => "e", "E" => "E"}.each_pair do |f, exp| describe f do it "converts argument into exponential notation [-]d.dddddde[+-]dd" do"%#{f}", 109.52).should == "1.095200#{exp}+02""%#{f}", -109.52).should == "-1.095200#{exp}+02""%#{f}", 0.10952).should == "1.095200#{exp}-01""%#{f}", -0.10952).should == "-1.095200#{exp}-01" end it "cuts excessive digits and keeps only 6 ones" do"%#{f}", 1.123456789).should == "1.123457#{exp}+00" end it "rounds the last significant digit to the closest one" do"%#{f}", 1.555555555).should == "1.555556#{exp}+00""%#{f}", -1.555555555).should == "-1.555556#{exp}+00""%#{f}", 1.444444444).should == "1.444444#{exp}+00" end it "displays Float::INFINITY as Inf" do"%#{f}", Float::INFINITY).should == "Inf""%#{f}", -Float::INFINITY).should == "-Inf" end it "displays Float::NAN as NaN" do"%#{f}", Float::NAN).should == "NaN""%#{f}", -Float::NAN).should == "NaN" end end end describe "f" do it "converts floating point argument as [-]ddd.dddddd" do"%f", 10.952).should == "10.952000""%f", -10.952).should == "-10.952000" end it "cuts excessive digits and keeps only 6 ones" do"%f", 1.123456789).should == "1.123457" end it "rounds the last significant digit to the closest one" do"%f", 1.555555555).should == "1.555556""%f", -1.555555555).should == "-1.555556""%f", 1.444444444).should == "1.444444" end it "displays Float::INFINITY as Inf" do"%f", Float::INFINITY).should == "Inf""%f", -Float::INFINITY).should == "-Inf" end it "displays Float::NAN as NaN" do"%f", Float::NAN).should == "NaN""%f", -Float::NAN).should == "NaN" end end {"g" => "e", "G" => "E"}.each_pair do |f, exp| describe f do context "the exponent is less than -4" do it "converts a floating point number using exponential form" do"%#{f}", 0.0000123456).should == "1.23456#{exp}-05""%#{f}", -0.0000123456).should == "-1.23456#{exp}-05""%#{f}", 0.000000000123456).should == "1.23456#{exp}-10""%#{f}", -0.000000000123456).should == "-1.23456#{exp}-10" end end context "the exponent is greater than or equal to the precision (6 by default)" do it "converts a floating point number using exponential form" do"%#{f}", 1234567).should == "1.23457#{exp}+06""%#{f}", 1234567890123).should == "1.23457#{exp}+12""%#{f}", -1234567).should == "-1.23457#{exp}+06" end end context "otherwise" do it "converts a floating point number in dd.dddd form" do"%#{f}", 0.0001).should == "0.0001""%#{f}", -0.0001).should == "-0.0001""%#{f}", 123456).should == "123456""%#{f}", -123456).should == "-123456" end it "cuts excessive digits in fractional part and keeps only 4 ones" do"%#{f}", 12.12341111).should == "12.1234""%#{f}", -12.12341111).should == "-12.1234" end it "rounds the last significant digit to the closest one in fractional part" do"%#{f}", 1.555555555).should == "1.55556""%#{f}", -1.555555555).should == "-1.55556""%#{f}", 1.444444444).should == "1.44444" end it "cuts fraction part to have only 6 digits at all" do"%#{f}", 1.1234567).should == "1.12346""%#{f}", 12.1234567).should == "12.1235""%#{f}", 123.1234567).should == "123.123""%#{f}", 1234.1234567).should == "1234.12""%#{f}", 12345.1234567).should == "12345.1""%#{f}", 123456.1234567).should == "123456" end end it "displays Float::INFINITY as Inf" do"%#{f}", Float::INFINITY).should == "Inf""%#{f}", -Float::INFINITY).should == "-Inf" end it "displays Float::NAN as NaN" do"%#{f}", Float::NAN).should == "NaN""%#{f}", -Float::NAN).should == "NaN" end end end describe "a" do it "converts floating point argument as [-]0xh.hhhhp[+-]dd" do"%a", 196).should == "0x1.88p+7""%a", -196).should == "-0x1.88p+7""%a", 196.1).should == "0x1.8833333333333p+7""%a", 0.01).should == "0x1.47ae147ae147bp-7""%a", -0.01).should == "-0x1.47ae147ae147bp-7" end it "displays Float::INFINITY as Inf" do"%a", Float::INFINITY).should == "Inf""%a", -Float::INFINITY).should == "-Inf" end it "displays Float::NAN as NaN" do"%a", Float::NAN).should == "NaN""%a", -Float::NAN).should == "NaN" end end describe "A" do it "converts floating point argument as [-]0xh.hhhhp[+-]dd and use uppercase X and P" do"%A", 196).should == "0X1.88P+7""%A", -196).should == "-0X1.88P+7""%A", 196.1).should == "0X1.8833333333333P+7""%A", 0.01).should == "0X1.47AE147AE147BP-7""%A", -0.01).should == "-0X1.47AE147AE147BP-7" end it "displays Float::INFINITY as Inf" do"%A", Float::INFINITY).should == "Inf""%A", -Float::INFINITY).should == "-Inf" end it "displays Float::NAN as NaN" do"%A", Float::NAN).should == "NaN""%A", -Float::NAN).should == "NaN" end end end describe "other formats" do describe "c" do it "displays character if argument is a numeric code of character" do"%c", 97).should == "a" end it "displays character if argument is a single character string" do"%c", "a").should == "a" end ruby_version_is ""..."3.2" do it "raises ArgumentError if argument is a string of several characters" do -> {"%c", "abc") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /%c requires a character/) end it "raises ArgumentError if argument is an empty string" do -> {"%c", "") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /%c requires a character/) end end ruby_version_is "3.2" do it "displays only the first character if argument is a string of several characters" do"%c", "abc").should == "a" end it "displays no characters if argument is an empty string" do"%c", "").should == "" end end it "raises TypeError if argument is not String or Integer and cannot be converted to them" do -> {"%c", []) }.should raise_error(TypeError, /no implicit conversion of Array into Integer/) end it "raises TypeError if argument is nil" do -> {"%c", nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError, /no implicit conversion from nil to integer/) end it "tries to convert argument to String with to_str" do obj = def obj.to_str "a" end"%c", obj).should == "a" end it "tries to convert argument to Integer with to_int" do obj = def obj.to_int 90 end"%c", obj).should == "Z" end it "raises TypeError if converting to String with to_str returns non-String" do obj = def obj.to_str :foo end -> {"%c", obj) }.should raise_error(TypeError, /can't convert BasicObject to String/) end it "raises TypeError if converting to Integer with to_int returns non-Integer" do obj = def obj.to_int :foo end -> {"%c", obj) }.should raise_error(TypeError, /can't convert BasicObject to Integer/) end end describe "p" do it "displays argument.inspect value" do obj = mock("object") obj.should_receive(:inspect).and_return("")"%p", obj).should == "" end end describe "s" do it "substitute argument passes as a string" do"%s", "abc").should == "abc" end it "substitutes '' for nil" do"%s", nil).should == "" end it "converts argument to string with to_s" do obj = mock("string") obj.should_receive(:to_s).and_return("abc")"%s", obj).should == "abc" end it "does not try to convert with to_str" do obj = def obj.to_str "abc" end -> {"%s", obj) }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "formats a partial substring without including omitted characters" do long_string = "aabbccddhelloddccbbaa" sub_string = long_string[8, 5] sprintf("%.#{1 * 3}s", sub_string).should == "hel" end it "formats string with precision" do Kernel.format("%.3s", "hello").should == "hel" Kernel.format("%-3.3s", "hello").should == "hel" end it "formats string with width" do"%6s", "abc").should == " abc""%6s", "abcdefg").should == "abcdefg" end it "formats string with width and precision" do"%4.6s", "abc").should == " abc""%4.6s", "abcdefg").should == "abcdef" end it "formats nil with width" do"%6s", nil).should == " " end it "formats nil with precision" do"%.6s", nil).should == "" end it "formats nil with width and precision" do"%4.6s", nil).should == " " end it "formats multibyte string with precision" do Kernel.format("%.2s", "été").should == "ét" end it "preserves encoding of the format string" do str = format('%s'.encode(Encoding::UTF_8), 'foobar') str.encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 str = format('%s'.encode(Encoding::US_ASCII), 'foobar') str.encoding.should == Encoding::US_ASCII end end describe "%" do it "alone raises an ArgumentError" do -> {"%") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "is escaped by %" do"%%").should == "%""%%d", 10).should == "%d" end end end describe "flags" do describe "space" do context "applies to numeric formats bBdiouxXeEfgGaA" do it "leaves a space at the start of non-negative numbers" do"% b", 10).should == " 1010""% B", 10).should == " 1010""% d", 112).should == " 112""% i", 112).should == " 112""% o", 87).should == " 127""% u", 112).should == " 112""% x", 196).should == " c4""% X", 196).should == " C4""% e", 109.52).should == " 1.095200e+02""% E", 109.52).should == " 1.095200E+02""% f", 10.952).should == " 10.952000""% g", 12.1234).should == " 12.1234""% G", 12.1234).should == " 12.1234""% a", 196).should == " 0x1.88p+7""% A", 196).should == " 0X1.88P+7" end it "does not leave a space at the start of negative numbers" do"% b", -10).should == "-1010""% B", -10).should == "-1010""% d", -112).should == "-112""% i", -112).should == "-112""% o", -87).should == "-127""% u", -112).should == "-112""% x", -196).should == "-c4""% X", -196).should == "-C4""% e", -109.52).should == "-1.095200e+02""% E", -109.52).should == "-1.095200E+02""% f", -10.952).should == "-10.952000""% g", -12.1234).should == "-12.1234""% G", -12.1234).should == "-12.1234""% a", -196).should == "-0x1.88p+7""% A", -196).should == "-0X1.88P+7" end it "prevents converting negative argument to two's complement form" do"% b", -10).should == "-1010""% B", -10).should == "-1010""% o", -87).should == "-127""% x", -196).should == "-c4""% X", -196).should == "-C4" end it "treats several white spaces as one" do"% b", 10).should == " 1010""% B", 10).should == " 1010""% d", 112).should == " 112""% i", 112).should == " 112""% o", 87).should == " 127""% u", 112).should == " 112""% x", 196).should == " c4""% X", 196).should == " C4""% e", 109.52).should == " 1.095200e+02""% E", 109.52).should == " 1.095200E+02""% f", 10.952).should == " 10.952000""% g", 12.1234).should == " 12.1234""% G", 12.1234).should == " 12.1234""% a", 196).should == " 0x1.88p+7""% A", 196).should == " 0X1.88P+7" end end end describe "(digit)$" do it "specifies the absolute argument number for this field" do"%2$b", 0, 10).should == "1010""%2$B", 0, 10).should == "1010""%2$d", 0, 112).should == "112""%2$i", 0, 112).should == "112""%2$o", 0, 87).should == "127""%2$u", 0, 112).should == "112""%2$x", 0, 196).should == "c4""%2$X", 0, 196).should == "C4""%2$e", 0, 109.52).should == "1.095200e+02""%2$E", 0, 109.52).should == "1.095200E+02""%2$f", 0, 10.952).should == "10.952000""%2$g", 0, 12.1234).should == "12.1234""%2$G", 0, 12.1234).should == "12.1234""%2$a", 0, 196).should == "0x1.88p+7""%2$A", 0, 196).should == "0X1.88P+7""%2$c", 1, 97).should == "a""%2$p", "a", []).should == "[]""%2$s", "-", "abc").should == "abc" end it "raises exception if argument number is bigger than actual arguments list" do -> {"%4$d", 1, 2, 3) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "ignores '-' sign" do"%2$d", 1, 2, 3).should == "2""%-2$d", 1, 2, 3).should == "2" end it "raises ArgumentError exception when absolute and relative argument numbers are mixed" do -> {"%1$d %d", 1, 2) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "#" do context "applies to format o" do it "increases the precision until the first digit will be `0' if it is not formatted as complements" do"%#o", 87).should == "0127" end it "does nothing for negative argument" do"%#o", -87).should == "..7651" end end context "applies to formats bBxX" do it "prefixes the result with 0x, 0X, 0b and 0B respectively for non-zero argument" do"%#b", 10).should == "0b1010""%#b", -10).should == "0b..10110""%#B", 10).should == "0B1010""%#B", -10).should == "0B..10110""%#x", 196).should == "0xc4""%#x", -196).should == "0x..f3c""%#X", 196).should == "0XC4""%#X", -196).should == "0X..F3C" end it "does nothing for zero argument" do"%#b", 0).should == "0""%#B", 0).should == "0""%#o", 0).should == "0""%#x", 0).should == "0""%#X", 0).should == "0" end end context "applies to formats aAeEfgG" do it "forces a decimal point to be added, even if no digits follow" do"%#.0a", 16.25).should == "0x1.p+4""%#.0A", 16.25).should == "0X1.P+4""%#.0e", 100).should == "1.e+02""%#.0E", 100).should == "1.E+02""%#.0f", 123.4).should == "123.""%#g", 123456).should == "123456.""%#G", 123456).should == "123456." end it "changes format from dd.dddd to exponential form for gG" do"%#.0g", 123.4).should_not == "123.""%#.0g", 123.4).should == "1.e+02" end end context "applies to gG" do it "does not remove trailing zeros" do"%#g", 123.4).should == "123.400""%#g", 123.4).should == "123.400" end end end describe "+" do context "applies to numeric formats bBdiouxXaAeEfgG" do it "adds a leading plus sign to non-negative numbers" do"%+b", 10).should == "+1010""%+B", 10).should == "+1010""%+d", 112).should == "+112""%+i", 112).should == "+112""%+o", 87).should == "+127""%+u", 112).should == "+112""%+x", 196).should == "+c4""%+X", 196).should == "+C4""%+e", 109.52).should == "+1.095200e+02""%+E", 109.52).should == "+1.095200E+02""%+f", 10.952).should == "+10.952000""%+g", 12.1234).should == "+12.1234""%+G", 12.1234).should == "+12.1234""%+a", 196).should == "+0x1.88p+7""%+A", 196).should == "+0X1.88P+7" end it "does not use two's complement form for negative numbers for formats bBoxX" do"%+b", -10).should == "-1010""%+B", -10).should == "-1010""%+o", -87).should == "-127""%+x", -196).should == "-c4""%+X", -196).should == "-C4" end end end describe "-" do it "left-justifies the result of conversion if width is specified" do"%-10b", 10).should == "1010 ""%-10B", 10).should == "1010 ""%-10d", 112).should == "112 ""%-10i", 112).should == "112 ""%-10o", 87).should == "127 ""%-10u", 112).should == "112 ""%-10x", 196).should == "c4 ""%-10X", 196).should == "C4 ""%-20e", 109.52).should == "1.095200e+02 ""%-20E", 109.52).should == "1.095200E+02 ""%-20f", 10.952).should == "10.952000 ""%-20g", 12.1234).should == "12.1234 ""%-20G", 12.1234).should == "12.1234 ""%-20a", 196).should == "0x1.88p+7 ""%-20A", 196).should == "0X1.88P+7 ""%-10c", 97).should == "a ""%-10p", []).should == "[] ""%-10s", "abc").should == "abc " end end describe "0 (zero)" do context "applies to numeric formats bBdiouxXaAeEfgG and width is specified" do it "pads with zeros, not spaces" do"%010b", 10).should == "0000001010""%010B", 10).should == "0000001010""%010d", 112).should == "0000000112""%010i", 112).should == "0000000112""%010o", 87).should == "0000000127""%010u", 112).should == "0000000112""%010x", 196).should == "00000000c4""%010X", 196).should == "00000000C4""%020e", 109.52).should == "000000001.095200e+02""%020E", 109.52).should == "000000001.095200E+02""%020f", 10.952).should == "0000000000010.952000""%020g", 12.1234).should == "000000000000012.1234""%020G", 12.1234).should == "000000000000012.1234""%020a", 196).should == "0x000000000001.88p+7""%020A", 196).should == "0X000000000001.88P+7" end it "uses radix-1 when displays negative argument as a two's complement" do"%010b", -10).should == "..11110110""%010B", -10).should == "..11110110""%010o", -87).should == "..77777651""%010x", -196).should == "..ffffff3c""%010X", -196).should == "..FFFFFF3C" end end end describe "*" do it "uses the previous argument as the field width" do"%*b", 10, 10).should == " 1010""%*B", 10, 10).should == " 1010""%*d", 10, 112).should == " 112""%*i", 10, 112).should == " 112""%*o", 10, 87).should == " 127""%*u", 10, 112).should == " 112""%*x", 10, 196).should == " c4""%*X", 10, 196).should == " C4""%*e", 20, 109.52).should == " 1.095200e+02""%*E", 20, 109.52).should == " 1.095200E+02""%*f", 20, 10.952).should == " 10.952000""%*g", 20, 12.1234).should == " 12.1234""%*G", 20, 12.1234).should == " 12.1234""%*a", 20, 196).should == " 0x1.88p+7""%*A", 20, 196).should == " 0X1.88P+7""%*c", 10, 97).should == " a""%*p", 10, []).should == " []""%*s", 10, "abc").should == " abc" end it "left-justifies the result if width is negative" do"%*b", -10, 10).should == "1010 ""%*B", -10, 10).should == "1010 ""%*d", -10, 112).should == "112 ""%*i", -10, 112).should == "112 ""%*o", -10, 87).should == "127 ""%*u", -10, 112).should == "112 ""%*x", -10, 196).should == "c4 ""%*X", -10, 196).should == "C4 ""%*e", -20, 109.52).should == "1.095200e+02 ""%*E", -20, 109.52).should == "1.095200E+02 ""%*f", -20, 10.952).should == "10.952000 ""%*g", -20, 12.1234).should == "12.1234 ""%*G", -20, 12.1234).should == "12.1234 ""%*a", -20, 196).should == "0x1.88p+7 ""%*A", -20, 196).should == "0X1.88P+7 ""%*c", -10, 97).should == "a ""%*p", -10, []).should == "[] ""%*s", -10, "abc").should == "abc " end it "uses the specified argument as the width if * is followed by a number and $" do"%1$*2$b", 10, 10).should == " 1010""%1$*2$B", 10, 10).should == " 1010""%1$*2$d", 112, 10).should == " 112""%1$*2$i", 112, 10).should == " 112""%1$*2$o", 87, 10).should == " 127""%1$*2$u", 112, 10).should == " 112""%1$*2$x", 196, 10).should == " c4""%1$*2$X", 196, 10).should == " C4""%1$*2$e", 109.52, 20).should == " 1.095200e+02""%1$*2$E", 109.52, 20).should == " 1.095200E+02""%1$*2$f", 10.952, 20).should == " 10.952000""%1$*2$g", 12.1234, 20).should == " 12.1234""%1$*2$G", 12.1234, 20).should == " 12.1234""%1$*2$a", 196, 20).should == " 0x1.88p+7""%1$*2$A", 196, 20).should == " 0X1.88P+7""%1$*2$c", 97, 10).should == " a""%1$*2$p", [], 10).should == " []""%1$*2$s", "abc", 10).should == " abc" end it "left-justifies the result if specified with $ argument is negative" do"%1$*2$b", 10, -10).should == "1010 ""%1$*2$B", 10, -10).should == "1010 ""%1$*2$d", 112, -10).should == "112 ""%1$*2$i", 112, -10).should == "112 ""%1$*2$o", 87, -10).should == "127 ""%1$*2$u", 112, -10).should == "112 ""%1$*2$x", 196, -10).should == "c4 ""%1$*2$X", 196, -10).should == "C4 ""%1$*2$e", 109.52, -20).should == "1.095200e+02 ""%1$*2$E", 109.52, -20).should == "1.095200E+02 ""%1$*2$f", 10.952, -20).should == "10.952000 ""%1$*2$g", 12.1234, -20).should == "12.1234 ""%1$*2$G", 12.1234, -20).should == "12.1234 ""%1$*2$a", 196, -20).should == "0x1.88p+7 ""%1$*2$A", 196, -20).should == "0X1.88P+7 ""%1$*2$c", 97, -10).should == "a ""%1$*2$p", [], -10).should == "[] ""%1$*2$s", "abc", -10).should == "abc " end it "raises ArgumentError when is mixed with width" do -> {"%*10d", 10, 112) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end describe "width" do it "specifies the minimum number of characters that will be written to the result" do"%10b", 10).should == " 1010""%10B", 10).should == " 1010""%10d", 112).should == " 112""%10i", 112).should == " 112""%10o", 87).should == " 127""%10u", 112).should == " 112""%10x", 196).should == " c4""%10X", 196).should == " C4""%20e", 109.52).should == " 1.095200e+02""%20E", 109.52).should == " 1.095200E+02""%20f", 10.952).should == " 10.952000""%20g", 12.1234).should == " 12.1234""%20G", 12.1234).should == " 12.1234""%20a", 196).should == " 0x1.88p+7""%20A", 196).should == " 0X1.88P+7""%10c", 97).should == " a""%10p", []).should == " []""%10s", "abc").should == " abc" end it "is ignored if argument's actual length is greater" do"%5d", 1234567890).should == "1234567890" end end describe "precision" do context "integer types" do it "controls the number of decimal places displayed" do"%.6b", 10).should == "001010""%.6B", 10).should == "001010""%.5d", 112).should == "00112""%.5i", 112).should == "00112""%.5o", 87).should == "00127""%.5u", 112).should == "00112""%.5x", 196).should == "000c4""%.5X", 196).should == "000C4" end end context "float types" do it "controls the number of decimal places displayed in fraction part" do"%.10e", 109.52).should == "1.0952000000e+02""%.10E", 109.52).should == "1.0952000000E+02""%.10f", 10.952).should == "10.9520000000""%.10a", 196).should == "0x1.8800000000p+7""%.10A", 196).should == "0X1.8800000000P+7" end it "does not affect G format" do"%.10g", 12.1234).should == "12.1234""%.10g", 123456789).should == "123456789" end end context "string formats" do it "determines the maximum number of characters to be copied from the string" do"%.1p", [1]).should == "[""%.2p", [1]).should == "[1""%.10p", [1]).should == "[1]""%.0p", [1]).should == """%.1s", "abc").should == "a""%.2s", "abc").should == "ab""%.10s", "abc").should == "abc""%.0s", "abc").should == "" end end end describe "reference by name" do describe "%s style" do it "uses value passed in a hash argument" do"%d", foo: 123).should == "123" end it "supports flags, width, precision and type" do"%+20.10f", foo: 10.952).should == " +10.9520000000" end it "allows to place name in any position" do"%+15.5f", foo: 10.952).should == " +10.95200""%+15.5f", foo: 10.952).should == " +10.95200""%+15.5f", foo: 10.952).should == " +10.95200""%+15.5f", foo: 10.952).should == " +10.95200" end it "cannot be mixed with unnamed style" do -> {"%d %d", 1, foo: "123") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "%{name} style" do it "uses value passed in a hash argument" do"%{foo}", foo: 123).should == "123" end it "does not support type style" do"%{foo}d", foo: 123).should == "123d" end it "supports flags, width and precision" do"%-20.5{foo}", foo: "123456789").should == "12345 " end it "cannot be mixed with unnamed style" do -> {"%d %{foo}", 1, foo: "123") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises KeyError when there is no matching key" do -> {"%{foo}", {}) }.should raise_error(KeyError) end it "converts value to String with to_s" do obj = def obj.to_s; end def obj.to_str; end obj.should_receive(:to_s).and_return("42") obj.should_not_receive(:to_str)"%{foo}", foo: obj).should == "42" end end end describe "faulty key" do before :each do @object = { foooo: 1 } end it "raises a KeyError" do -> {"%s", @object) }.should raise_error(KeyError) end it "sets the Hash as the receiver of KeyError" do -> {"%s", @object) }.should raise_error(KeyError) { |err| err.receiver.should equal(@object) } end it "sets the unmatched key as the key of KeyError" do -> {"%s", @object) }.should raise_error(KeyError) { |err| err.key.to_s.should == 'foo' } end end it "does not raise error when passed more arguments than needed" do sprintf("%s %d %c", "string", 2, "c", []).should == "string 2 c" end end