require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' describe "Kernel#instance_variable_defined?" do before do @instance = end describe "when passed a String" do it "returns false if the instance variable is not defined" do @instance.instance_variable_defined?("@goodbye").should be_false end it "returns true if the instance variable is defined" do @instance.instance_variable_defined?("@greeting").should be_true end end describe "when passed a Symbol" do it "returns false if the instance variable is not defined" do @instance.instance_variable_defined?(:@goodbye).should be_false end it "returns true if the instance variable is defined" do @instance.instance_variable_defined?(:@greeting).should be_true end end it "raises a TypeError if passed an Object not defining #to_str" do lambda do obj = mock("kernel instance_variable_defined?") @instance.instance_variable_defined? obj end.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "returns false if the instance variable is not defined for different types" do [nil, false, true, 1, 2.0, :test, "test"].each do |obj| obj.instance_variable_defined?("@goodbye").should be_false end end end