require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__) describe :kernel_block_given, shared: true do it "returns true if and only if a block is supplied" do @object.accept_block {}.should == true @object.accept_block_as_argument {}.should == true @object.accept_block.should == false @object.accept_block_as_argument.should == false end # Clarify: Based on it appears # that Matz wanted this to be true in 1.9. it "returns false when a method defined by define_method is called with a block" do @object.defined_block {}.should == false end end describe "Kernel#block_given?" do it_behaves_like :kernel_block_given, :block_given?, KernelSpecs::BlockGiven it "returns false outside of a method" do block_given?.should == false end it "is a private method" do Kernel.should have_private_instance_method(:block_given?) end end describe "Kernel.block_given?" do it_behaves_like :kernel_block_given, :block_given?, KernelSpecs::KernelBlockGiven end describe "self.send(:block_given?)" do it_behaves_like :kernel_block_given, :block_given?, KernelSpecs::SelfBlockGiven end