require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' describe "Kernel#`" do before :each do @original_external = Encoding.default_external end after :each do Encoding.default_external = @original_external end it "is a private method" do Kernel.should have_private_instance_method(:`) end it "returns the standard output of the executed sub-process" do ip = 'world' `echo disc #{ip}`.should == "disc world\n" end it "lets the standard error stream pass through to the inherited stderr" do cmd = ruby_cmd('STDERR.print "error stream"') -> { `#{cmd}`.should == "" }.should output_to_fd("error stream", STDERR) end it "produces a String in the default external encoding" do Encoding.default_external = Encoding::SHIFT_JIS `echo disc`.encoding.should equal(Encoding::SHIFT_JIS) end it "raises an Errno::ENOENT if the command is not executable" do -> { `nonexistent_command` }.should raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end platform_is_not :windows do it "sets $? to the exit status of the executed sub-process" do ip = 'world' `echo disc #{ip}` $?.should be_kind_of(Process::Status) $?.stopped?.should == false $?.exited?.should == true $?.exitstatus.should == 0 $?.success?.should == true `echo disc #{ip}; exit 99` $?.should be_kind_of(Process::Status) $?.stopped?.should == false $?.exited?.should == true $?.exitstatus.should == 99 $?.success?.should == false end end platform_is :windows do it "sets $? to the exit status of the executed sub-process" do ip = 'world' `echo disc #{ip}` $?.should be_kind_of(Process::Status) $?.stopped?.should == false $?.exited?.should == true $?.exitstatus.should == 0 $?.success?.should == true `echo disc #{ip}& exit 99` $?.should be_kind_of(Process::Status) $?.stopped?.should == false $?.exited?.should == true $?.exitstatus.should == 99 $?.success?.should == false end end end describe "Kernel.`" do it "tries to convert the given argument to String using #to_str" do (obj = mock('echo test')).should_receive(:to_str).and_return("echo test") Kernel.`(obj).should == "test\n" #` fix vim syntax highlighting end end