require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "Kernel#__dir__" do it "returns the real name of the directory containing the currently-executing file" do __dir__.should == File.realpath(File.dirname(__FILE__)) end context "when used in eval with a given filename" do it "returns File.dirname(filename)" do eval("__dir__", nil, "foo.rb").should == "." eval("__dir__", nil, "foo/bar.rb").should == "foo" end end ruby_version_is ""..."2.8" do context "when used in eval with top level binding" do it "returns the real name of the directory containing the currently-executing file" do eval("__dir__", binding).should == File.realpath(File.dirname(__FILE__)) end end end ruby_version_is "2.8" do context "when used in eval with top level binding" do it "returns nil" do eval("__dir__", binding).should == nil end end end end