require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' describe "IO#sysread on a file" do before :each do @file_name = tmp("IO_sysread_file") + $$.to_s, "w") do |f| # write some stuff f.write("012345678901234567890123456789\nabcdef") end @file =, "r+") end after :each do @file.close rm_r @file_name end it "reads the specified number of bytes from the file" do @file.sysread(15).should == "012345678901234" end it "reads the specified number of bytes from the file to the buffer" do buf = +"" # empty buffer @file.sysread(15, buf).should == buf buf.should == "012345678901234" @file.rewind buf = +"ABCDE" # small buffer @file.sysread(15, buf).should == buf buf.should == "012345678901234" @file.rewind buf = +"ABCDE" * 5 # large buffer @file.sysread(15, buf).should == buf buf.should == "012345678901234" end it "coerces the second argument to string and uses it as a buffer" do buf = +"ABCDE" (obj = mock("buff")).should_receive(:to_str).any_number_of_times.and_return(buf) @file.sysread(15, obj).should == buf buf.should == "012345678901234" end it "advances the position of the file by the specified number of bytes" do @file.sysread(15) @file.sysread(5).should == "56789" end it "raises an error when called after buffered reads" do @file.readline -> { @file.sysread(5) }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "reads normally even when called immediately after a buffered IO#read" do @file.sysread(5).should == "56789" end it "does not raise error if called after IO#read followed by IO#write" do @file.write("abcde") -> { @file.sysread(5) }.should_not raise_error(IOError) end it "does not raise error if called after IO#read followed by IO#syswrite" do @file.syswrite("abcde") -> { @file.sysread(5) }.should_not raise_error(IOError) end it "reads updated content after the flushed buffered IO#write" do @file.write("abcde") @file.flush @file.sysread(5).should == "56789" do |f| f.sysread(10).should == "abcde56789" end end it "raises IOError on closed stream" do -> { IOSpecs.closed_io.sysread(5) }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "immediately returns an empty string if the length argument is 0" do @file.sysread(0).should == "" end it "immediately returns the given buffer if the length argument is 0" do buffer = +"existing content" @file.sysread(0, buffer).should == buffer buffer.should == "existing content" end it "discards the existing buffer content upon successful read" do buffer = +"existing content" @file.sysread(11, buffer) buffer.should == "01234567890" end it "discards the existing buffer content upon error" do buffer = +"existing content", :END) -> { @file.sysread(1, buffer) }.should raise_error(EOFError) buffer.should be_empty end end describe "IO#sysread" do before do @read, @write = IO.pipe end after do @read.close @write.close end it "returns a smaller string if less than size bytes are available" do @write.syswrite "ab" @read.sysread(3).should == "ab" end guard_not -> { platform_is :windows and ruby_version_is ""..."3.2" } do # it "raises ArgumentError when length is less than 0" do -> { @read.sysread(-1) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end