# encoding: utf-8 require_relative '../fixtures/classes' describe :io_write, shared: true do before :each do @filename = tmp("IO_syswrite_file") + $$.to_s File.open(@filename, "w") do |file| file.send(@method, "012345678901234567890123456789") end @file = File.open(@filename, "r+") @readonly_file = File.open(@filename) end after :each do @readonly_file.close if @readonly_file @file.close if @file rm_r @filename end it "coerces the argument to a string using to_s" do (obj = mock('test')).should_receive(:to_s).and_return('a string') @file.send(@method, obj) end it "checks if the file is writable if writing more than zero bytes" do -> { @readonly_file.send(@method, "abcde") }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "returns the number of bytes written" do written = @file.send(@method, "abcde") written.should == 5 end it "invokes to_s on non-String argument" do data = "abcdefgh9876" (obj = mock(data)).should_receive(:to_s).and_return(data) @file.send(@method, obj) @file.seek(0) @file.read(data.size).should == data end it "writes all of the string's bytes without buffering if mode is sync" do @file.sync = true written = @file.send(@method, "abcde") written.should == 5 File.open(@filename) do |file| file.read(10).should == "abcde56789" end end it "does not warn if called after IO#read" do @file.read(5) -> { @file.send(@method, "fghij") }.should_not complain end it "writes to the current position after IO#read" do @file.read(5) @file.send(@method, "abcd") @file.rewind @file.read.should == "01234abcd901234567890123456789" end it "advances the file position by the count of given bytes" do @file.send(@method, "abcde") @file.read(10).should == "5678901234" end it "raises IOError on closed stream" do -> { IOSpecs.closed_io.send(@method, "hello") }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "does not modify the passed argument" do File.open(@filename, "w") do |f| f.set_encoding(Encoding::IBM437) # A character whose codepoint differs between UTF-8 and IBM437 f.write "ƒ".freeze end File.binread(@filename).bytes.should == [159] end describe "on a pipe" do before :each do @r, @w = IO.pipe end after :each do @r.close @w.close end it "writes the given String to the pipe" do @w.send(@method, "foo") @w.close @r.read.should == "foo" end # [ruby-core:90895] MJIT worker may leave fd open in a forked child. # For instance, MJIT creates a worker before @r.close with fork(), @r.close happens, # and the MJIT worker keeps the pipe open until the worker execve(). # TODO: consider acquiring GVL from MJIT worker. guard_not -> { defined?(RubyVM::MJIT) && RubyVM::MJIT.enabled? } do it "raises Errno::EPIPE if the read end is closed and does not die from SIGPIPE" do @r.close -> { @w.send(@method, "foo") }.should raise_error(Errno::EPIPE, /Broken pipe/) end end end end