# -*- encoding: binary -*- require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' describe "IO#readpartial" do before :each do @rd, @wr = IO.pipe @rd.binmode @wr.binmode end after :each do @rd.close unless @rd.closed? @wr.close unless @wr.closed? end it "raises IOError on closed stream" do -> { IOSpecs.closed_io.readpartial(10) }.should raise_error(IOError) @rd.close -> { @rd.readpartial(10) }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "reads at most the specified number of bytes" do @wr.write("foobar") # buffered read @rd.read(1).should == 'f' # return only specified number, not the whole buffer @rd.readpartial(1).should == "o" end it "reads after ungetc with data in the buffer" do @wr.write("foobar") c = @rd.getc @rd.ungetc(c) @rd.readpartial(3).should == "foo" @rd.readpartial(3).should == "bar" end it "reads after ungetc with multibyte characters in the buffer" do @wr.write("∂φ/∂x = gaîté") c = @rd.getc @rd.ungetc(c) @rd.readpartial(3).should == "\xE2\x88\x82" @rd.readpartial(3).should == "\xCF\x86/" end it "reads after ungetc without data in the buffer" do @wr.write("f") c = @rd.getc @rd.ungetc(c) @rd.readpartial(2).should == "f" # now, also check that the ungot char is cleared and # not returned again @wr.write("b") @rd.readpartial(2).should == "b" end it "discards the existing buffer content upon successful read" do buffer = +"existing content" @wr.write("hello world") @wr.close @rd.readpartial(11, buffer) buffer.should == "hello world" end it "raises EOFError on EOF" do @wr.write("abc") @wr.close @rd.readpartial(10).should == 'abc' -> { @rd.readpartial(10) }.should raise_error(EOFError) end it "discards the existing buffer content upon error" do buffer = +'hello' @wr.close -> { @rd.readpartial(1, buffer) }.should raise_error(EOFError) buffer.should be_empty end it "raises IOError if the stream is closed" do @wr.close -> { @rd.readpartial(1) }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "raises ArgumentError if the negative argument is provided" do -> { @rd.readpartial(-1) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "immediately returns an empty string if the length argument is 0" do @rd.readpartial(0).should == "" end ruby_bug "#18421", ""..."3.0.4" do it "clears and returns the given buffer if the length argument is 0" do buffer = +"existing content" @rd.readpartial(0, buffer).should == buffer buffer.should == "" end end it "preserves the encoding of the given buffer" do buffer = ''.encode(Encoding::ISO_8859_1) @wr.write("abc") @wr.close @rd.readpartial(10, buffer) buffer.encoding.should == Encoding::ISO_8859_1 end end