# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require_relative '../../spec_helper' guard -> { platform_is_not :windows or ruby_version_is "3.3" } do describe "IO#pwrite" do before :each do @fname = tmp("io_pwrite.txt") @file = File.open(@fname, "w+") end after :each do @file.close rm_r @fname end it "returns the number of bytes written" do @file.pwrite("foo", 0).should == 3 end it "accepts a string and an offset" do @file.pwrite("foo", 2) @file.pread(3, 2).should == "foo" end it "does not advance the pointer in the file" do @file.pwrite("bar", 3) @file.write("foo") @file.pread(6, 0).should == "foobar" end it "calls #to_s on the object to be written" do object = mock("to_s") object.should_receive(:to_s).and_return("foo") @file.pwrite(object, 0) @file.pread(3, 0).should == "foo" end it "calls #to_int on the offset" do offset = mock("to_int") offset.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(2) @file.pwrite("foo", offset) @file.pread(3, 2).should == "foo" end it "raises IOError when file is not open in write mode" do File.open(@fname, "r") do |file| -> { file.pwrite("foo", 1) }.should raise_error(IOError, "not opened for writing") end end it "raises IOError when file is closed" do file = File.open(@fname, "w+") file.close -> { file.pwrite("foo", 1) }.should raise_error(IOError, "closed stream") end it "raises a NoMethodError if object does not respond to #to_s" do -> { @file.pwrite(BasicObject.new, 0) }.should raise_error(NoMethodError, /undefined method [`']to_s'/) end it "raises a TypeError if the offset cannot be converted to an Integer" do -> { @file.pwrite("foo", Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError, "no implicit conversion of Object into Integer") end end end