# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- module IOSpecs class SubIO < IO end def self.collector Proc.new { |x| ScratchPad << x } end def self.lines [ "Voici la ligne une.\n", "Qui \303\250 la linea due.\n", "\n", "\n", "Aqu\303\255 est\303\241 la l\303\255nea tres.\n", "Hier ist Zeile vier.\n", "\n", "Est\303\241 aqui a linha cinco.\n", "Here is line six.\n" ] end def self.lines_without_newline_characters [ "Voici la ligne une.", "Qui \303\250 la linea due.", "", "", "Aqu\303\255 est\303\241 la l\303\255nea tres.", "Hier ist Zeile vier.", "", "Est\303\241 aqui a linha cinco.", "Here is line six." ] end def self.lines_limit [ "Voici la l", "igne une.\n", "Qui è la ", "linea due.", "\n", "\n", "\n", "Aquí está", " la línea", " tres.\n", "Hier ist Z", "eile vier.", "\n", "\n", "Está aqui", " a linha c", "inco.\n", "Here is li", "ne six.\n" ] end def self.lines_space_separator_limit [ "Voici ", "la ", "ligne ", "une.\nQui ", "è ", "la ", "linea ", "due.\n\n\nAqu", "í ", "está ", "la ", "línea ", "tres.\nHier", " ", "ist ", "Zeile ", "vier.\n\nEst", "á ", "aqui ", "a ", "linha ", "cinco.\nHer", "e ", "is ", "line ", "six.\n" ] end def self.lines_r_separator [ "Voici la ligne une.\nQui \303\250 la linea due.\n\n\nAqu\303\255 est\303\241 la l\303\255nea tr", "es.\nHier", " ist Zeile vier", ".\n\nEst\303\241 aqui a linha cinco.\nHer", "e is line six.\n" ] end def self.lines_empty_separator [ "Voici la ligne une.\nQui \303\250 la linea due.\n\n", "Aqu\303\255 est\303\241 la l\303\255nea tres.\nHier ist Zeile vier.\n\n", "Est\303\241 aqui a linha cinco.\nHere is line six.\n" ] end def self.lines_space_separator [ "Voici ", "la ", "ligne ", "une.\nQui ", "\303\250 ", "la ", "linea ", "due.\n\n\nAqu\303\255 ", "est\303\241 ", "la ", "l\303\255nea ", "tres.\nHier ", "ist ", "Zeile ", "vier.\n\nEst\303\241 ", "aqui ", "a ", "linha ", "cinco.\nHere ", "is ", "line ", "six.\n" ] end def self.lines_arbitrary_separator [ "Voici la ligne une.\nQui \303\250", " la linea due.\n\n\nAqu\303\255 est\303\241 la l\303\255nea tres.\nHier ist Zeile vier.\n\nEst\303\241 aqui a linha cinco.\nHere is line six.\n" ] end def self.paragraphs [ "Voici la ligne une.\nQui \303\250 la linea due.\n\n", "Aqu\303\255 est\303\241 la l\303\255nea tres.\nHier ist Zeile vier.\n\n", "Est\303\241 aqui a linha cinco.\nHere is line six.\n" ] end # Creates an IO instance for an existing fixture file. The # file should obviously not be deleted. def self.io_fixture(name, options_or_mode="r:utf-8") path = fixture __FILE__, name name = path if File.exist? path new_io name, options_or_mode end # Returns a closed instance of IO that was opened to reference # a fixture file (i.e. the IO instance was perfectly valid at # one point but is now closed). def self.closed_io io = io_fixture "lines.txt" io.close io end # Creates a pipe-based IO fixture containing the specified # contents def self.pipe_fixture(content) source, sink = IO.pipe sink.write content sink.close source end # Defines +method+ on +obj+ using the provided +block+. This # special helper is needed for e.g. IO.open specs to avoid # mock methods preventing IO#close from running. def self.io_mock(obj, method, &block) obj.singleton_class.send(:define_method, method, &block) end module CopyStream def self.from=(from) @from = from end def self.from @from end end class CopyStreamRead def initialize(io) @io = io end def read(size, buf=nil) @io.read size, buf end def send(*args) raise "send called" end end class CopyStreamReadPartial def initialize(io) @io = io end def readpartial(size, buf=nil) @io.readpartial size, buf end def send(*args) raise "send called" end end end