require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' describe :io_copy_stream_to_file, shared: true do it "copies the entire IO contents to the file" do IO.copy_stream(@object.from, @to_name) == @content IO.copy_stream(@from_bigfile, @to_name) == @content_bigfile end it "returns the number of bytes copied" do IO.copy_stream(@object.from, @to_name).should == @size IO.copy_stream(@from_bigfile, @to_name).should == @size_bigfile end it "copies only length bytes when specified" do IO.copy_stream(@object.from, @to_name, 8).should == 8 == "Line one" end it "calls #to_path to convert on object to a file name" do obj = mock("io_copy_stream_to") obj.should_receive(:to_path).and_return(@to_name) IO.copy_stream(@object.from, obj) == @content end it "raises a TypeError if #to_path does not return a String" do obj = mock("io_copy_stream_to") obj.should_receive(:to_path).and_return(1) -> { IO.copy_stream(@object.from, obj) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end describe :io_copy_stream_to_file_with_offset, shared: true do platform_is_not :windows do it "copies only length bytes from the offset" do IO.copy_stream(@object.from, @to_name, 8, 4).should == 8 == " one\n\nLi" end end end describe :io_copy_stream_to_io, shared: true do it "copies the entire IO contents to the IO" do IO.copy_stream(@object.from, @to_io) == @content IO.copy_stream(@from_bigfile, @to_io) == (@content + @content_bigfile) end it "returns the number of bytes copied" do IO.copy_stream(@object.from, @to_io).should == @size IO.copy_stream(@from_bigfile, @to_io).should == @size_bigfile end it "starts writing at the destination IO's current position" do @to_io.write("prelude ") IO.copy_stream(@object.from, @to_io) == ("prelude " + @content) end it "leaves the destination IO position at the last write" do IO.copy_stream(@object.from, @to_io) @to_io.pos.should == @size end it "raises an IOError if the destination IO is not open for writing" do to_io = new_io __FILE__, "r" begin -> { IO.copy_stream @object.from, to_io }.should raise_error(IOError) ensure to_io.close end end it "does not close the destination IO" do IO.copy_stream(@object.from, @to_io) @to_io.closed?.should be_false end it "copies only length bytes when specified" do IO.copy_stream(@object.from, @to_io, 8).should == 8 == "Line one" end end describe :io_copy_stream_to_io_with_offset, shared: true do platform_is_not :windows do it "copies only length bytes from the offset" do IO.copy_stream(@object.from, @to_io, 8, 4).should == 8 == " one\n\nLi" end end end describe "IO.copy_stream" do before :each do @from_name = fixture __FILE__, "copy_stream.txt" @to_name = tmp("io_copy_stream_io_name") @content = @size = @content.size @from_bigfile = tmp("io_copy_stream_bigfile") @content_bigfile = "A" * 17_000 touch(@from_bigfile){|f| f.print @content_bigfile } @size_bigfile = @content_bigfile.size end after :each do rm_r @to_name if @to_name rm_r @from_bigfile end describe "from an IO" do before :each do @from_io = new_io @from_name, "rb" IOSpecs::CopyStream.from = @from_io end after :each do @from_io.close end it "raises an IOError if the source IO is not open for reading" do @from_io.close @from_io = new_io @from_bigfile, "a" -> { IO.copy_stream @from_io, @to_name }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "does not close the source IO" do IO.copy_stream(@from_io, @to_name) @from_io.closed?.should be_false end platform_is_not :windows do it "does not change the IO offset when an offset is specified" do @from_io.pos = 10 IO.copy_stream(@from_io, @to_name, 8, 4) @from_io.pos.should == 10 end end it "does change the IO offset when an offset is not specified" do @from_io.pos = 10 IO.copy_stream(@from_io, @to_name) @from_io.pos.should == 42 end describe "to a file name" do it_behaves_like :io_copy_stream_to_file, nil, IOSpecs::CopyStream it_behaves_like :io_copy_stream_to_file_with_offset, nil, IOSpecs::CopyStream end describe "to an IO" do before :each do @to_io = new_io @to_name, "wb" end after :each do @to_io.close end it_behaves_like :io_copy_stream_to_io, nil, IOSpecs::CopyStream it_behaves_like :io_copy_stream_to_io_with_offset, nil, IOSpecs::CopyStream end describe "to a Tempfile" do before :all do require 'tempfile' end before :each do @to_io ="rubyspec_copy_stream", encoding: Encoding::BINARY, mode: File::RDONLY) @to_name = @to_io.path end after :each do @to_io.close! @to_name = nil # do not rm_r it, already done by Tempfile#close! end it_behaves_like :io_copy_stream_to_io, nil, IOSpecs::CopyStream it_behaves_like :io_copy_stream_to_io_with_offset, nil, IOSpecs::CopyStream end end describe "from a file name" do before :each do IOSpecs::CopyStream.from = @from_name end it "calls #to_path to convert on object to a file name" do obj = mock("io_copy_stream_from") obj.should_receive(:to_path).and_return(@from_name) IO.copy_stream(obj, @to_name) == @content end it "raises a TypeError if #to_path does not return a String" do obj = mock("io_copy_stream_from") obj.should_receive(:to_path).and_return(1) -> { IO.copy_stream(obj, @to_name) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end describe "to a file name" do it_behaves_like :io_copy_stream_to_file, nil, IOSpecs::CopyStream it_behaves_like :io_copy_stream_to_file_with_offset, nil, IOSpecs::CopyStream end describe "to an IO" do before :each do @to_io = new_io @to_name, "wb" end after :each do @to_io.close end it_behaves_like :io_copy_stream_to_io, nil, IOSpecs::CopyStream it_behaves_like :io_copy_stream_to_io_with_offset, nil, IOSpecs::CopyStream end end describe "from a pipe IO" do before :each do @from_io = IOSpecs.pipe_fixture(@content) IOSpecs::CopyStream.from = @from_io end after :each do @from_io.close end it "does not close the source IO" do IO.copy_stream(@from_io, @to_name) @from_io.closed?.should be_false end platform_is_not :windows do it "raises an error when an offset is specified" do -> { IO.copy_stream(@from_io, @to_name, 8, 4) }.should raise_error(Errno::ESPIPE) end end describe "to a file name" do it_behaves_like :io_copy_stream_to_file, nil, IOSpecs::CopyStream end describe "to an IO" do before :each do @to_io = new_io @to_name, "wb" end after :each do @to_io.close end it_behaves_like :io_copy_stream_to_io, nil, IOSpecs::CopyStream end end describe "with non-IO Objects" do before do @io = new_io @from_name, "rb" end after do @io.close unless @io.closed? end it "calls #readpartial on the source Object if defined" do from = @io IO.copy_stream(from, @to_name) == @content end it "calls #read on the source Object" do from = @io IO.copy_stream(from, @to_name) == @content end it "calls #write on the destination Object" do to = mock("io_copy_stream_to_object") to.should_receive(:write).with(@content).and_return(@content.size) IO.copy_stream(@from_name, to) end it "does not call #pos on the source if no offset is given" do @io.should_not_receive(:pos) IO.copy_stream(@io, @to_name) end end describe "with a destination that does partial reads" do before do @from_out, @from_in = IO.pipe @to_out, @to_in = IO.pipe end after do [@from_out, @from_in, @to_out, @to_in].each {|io| io.close rescue nil} end it "calls #write repeatedly on the destination Object" do @from_in.write "1234" @from_in.close th = do IO.copy_stream(@from_out, @to_in) end copied = "" 4.times do copied += end th.join copied.should == "1234" end end end describe "IO.copy_stream" do it "does not use buffering when writing to STDOUT" do IO.popen([*ruby_exe, fixture(__FILE__ , "copy_in_out.rb")], "r+") do |io| io.write("bar") == "bar" end end end