require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__) describe "IO#close" do before :each do @name = tmp('io_close.txt') @io = new_io @name end after :each do @io.close unless @io.closed? rm_r @name end it "closes the stream" do @io.close @io.closed?.should == true end it "returns nil" do @io.close.should == nil end it "raises an IOError reading from a closed IO" do @io.close lambda { }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "raises an IOError writing to a closed IO" do @io.close lambda { @io.write "data" }.should raise_error(IOError) end it 'does not close the stream if autoclose is false' do other_io = other_io.autoclose = false other_io.close lambda { @io.write "data" }.should_not raise_error(IOError) end ruby_version_is ''...'2.3' do it "raises an IOError if closed" do @io.close lambda { @io.close }.should raise_error(IOError) end end ruby_version_is "2.3" do it "does nothing if already closed" do @io.close @io.close.should be_nil end end ruby_version_is '2.5' do it 'raises an IOError with a clear message' do read_io, write_io = IO.pipe going_to_read = false thread = do lambda do going_to_read = true end.should raise_error(IOError, 'stream closed in another thread') end Thread.pass until going_to_read && thread.stop? read_io.close thread.join write_io.close end end end describe "IO#close on an IO.popen stream" do it "clears #pid" do io = IO.popen ruby_cmd('r = loop{puts "y"; 0} rescue 1; exit r'), 'r' == 0 io.close lambda { }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "sets $?" do io = IO.popen ruby_cmd('exit 0'), 'r' io.close $?.exitstatus.should == 0 io = IO.popen ruby_cmd('exit 1'), 'r' io.close $?.exitstatus.should == 1 end it "waits for the child to exit" do io = IO.popen ruby_cmd('r = loop{puts "y"; 0} rescue 1; exit r'), 'r' io.close $?.exitstatus.should_not == 0 end end