require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "IO#close_on_exec=" do before :each do @name = tmp('io_close_on_exec.txt') @io = new_io @name end after :each do @io.close unless @io.closed? rm_r @name end guard -> { platform_is_not :windows } do it "sets the close-on-exec flag if true" do @io.close_on_exec = true @io.should.close_on_exec? end it "sets the close-on-exec flag if non-false" do @io.close_on_exec = :true @io.should.close_on_exec? end it "unsets the close-on-exec flag if false" do @io.close_on_exec = true @io.close_on_exec = false @io.should_not.close_on_exec? end it "unsets the close-on-exec flag if nil" do @io.close_on_exec = true @io.close_on_exec = nil @io.should_not.close_on_exec? end it "ensures the IO's file descriptor is closed in exec'ed processes" do require 'fcntl' @io.close_on_exec = true (@io.fcntl(Fcntl::F_GETFD) & Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC).should == Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC end it "raises IOError if called on a closed IO" do @io.close -> { @io.close_on_exec = true }.should raise_error(IOError) end end end describe "IO#close_on_exec?" do before :each do @name = tmp('io_is_close_on_exec.txt') @io = new_io @name end after :each do @io.close unless @io.closed? rm_r @name end guard -> { platform_is_not :windows } do it "returns true by default" do @io.should.close_on_exec? end it "returns true if set" do @io.close_on_exec = true @io.should.close_on_exec? end it "raises IOError if called on a closed IO" do @io.close -> { @io.close_on_exec? }.should raise_error(IOError) end end end