# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' describe "IO.binread" do before :each do @internal = Encoding.default_internal @fname = tmp('io_read.txt') @contents = "1234567890" touch(@fname) { |f| f.write @contents } end after :each do rm_r @fname Encoding.default_internal = @internal end it "reads the contents of a file" do IO.binread(@fname).should == @contents end it "reads the contents of a file up to a certain size when specified" do IO.binread(@fname, 5).should == @contents.slice(0..4) end it "reads the contents of a file from an offset of a specific size when specified" do IO.binread(@fname, 5, 3).should == @contents.slice(3, 5) end it "returns a String in BINARY encoding" do IO.binread(@fname).encoding.should == Encoding::BINARY end it "returns a String in BINARY encoding regardless of Encoding.default_internal" do Encoding.default_internal = Encoding::EUC_JP IO.binread(@fname).encoding.should == Encoding::BINARY end it "raises an ArgumentError when not passed a valid length" do -> { IO.binread @fname, -1 }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an Errno::EINVAL when not passed a valid offset" do -> { IO.binread @fname, 0, -1 }.should raise_error(Errno::EINVAL) end ruby_version_is "3.3" do # https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19630 it "warns about deprecation given a path with a pipe" do cmd = "|echo ok" -> { IO.binread(cmd) }.should complain(/IO process creation with a leading '\|'/) end end end