describe :integer_exponent, shared: true do context "fixnum" do it "returns self raised to the given power" do 2.send(@method, 0).should eql 1 2.send(@method, 1).should eql 2 2.send(@method, 2).should eql 4 9.send(@method, 0.5).should eql 3.0 9.send(@method, Rational(1, 2)).should eql 3.0 5.send(@method, -1).to_f.to_s.should == '0.2' 2.send(@method, 40).should eql 1099511627776 end it "overflows the answer to a bignum transparently" do 2.send(@method, 29).should eql 536870912 2.send(@method, 30).should eql 1073741824 2.send(@method, 31).should eql 2147483648 2.send(@method, 32).should eql 4294967296 2.send(@method, 61).should eql 2305843009213693952 2.send(@method, 62).should eql 4611686018427387904 2.send(@method, 63).should eql 9223372036854775808 2.send(@method, 64).should eql 18446744073709551616 8.send(@method, 23).should eql 590295810358705651712 end it "raises negative numbers to the given power" do (-2).send(@method, 29).should eql(-536870912) (-2).send(@method, 30).should eql(1073741824) (-2).send(@method, 31).should eql(-2147483648) (-2).send(@method, 32).should eql(4294967296) (-2).send(@method, 33).should eql(-8589934592) (-2).send(@method, 61).should eql(-2305843009213693952) (-2).send(@method, 62).should eql(4611686018427387904) (-2).send(@method, 63).should eql(-9223372036854775808) (-2).send(@method, 64).should eql(18446744073709551616) (-2).send(@method, 65).should eql(-36893488147419103232) end it "can raise 1 to a bignum safely" do 1.send(@method, 4611686018427387904).should eql 1 end it "can raise -1 to a bignum safely" do (-1).send(@method, 4611686018427387904).should eql(1) (-1).send(@method, 4611686018427387905).should eql(-1) end it "returns Float::INFINITY when the number is too big" do -> { 2.send(@method, 427387904).should == Float::INFINITY }.should complain(/warning: in a\*\*b, b may be too big/) end it "raises a ZeroDivisionError for 0 ** -1" do -> { 0.send(@method, -1) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError) -> { 0.send(@method, Rational(-1, 1)) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError) end it "returns Float::INFINITY for 0 ** -1.0" do 0.send(@method, -1.0).should == Float::INFINITY end it "raises a TypeError when given a non-numeric power" do -> { 13.send(@method, "10") }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { 13.send(@method, :symbol) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { 13.send(@method, nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "coerces power and calls #**" do num_2 = mock("2") num_13 = mock("13") num_2.should_receive(:coerce).with(13).and_return([num_13, num_2]) num_13.should_receive(:**).with(num_2).and_return(169) 13.send(@method, num_2).should == 169 end it "returns Float when power is Float" do 2.send(@method, 2.0).should == 4.0 end it "returns Rational when power is Rational" do 2.send(@method, Rational(2, 1)).should == Rational(4, 1) end it "returns a complex number when negative and raised to a fractional power" do (-8).send(@method, 1.0/3) .should be_close(Complex(1, 1.73205), TOLERANCE) (-8).send(@method, Rational(1, 3)).should be_close(Complex(1, 1.73205), TOLERANCE) end end context "bignum" do before :each do @bignum = bignum_value(47) end it "returns self raised to other power" do (@bignum.send(@method, 4)).should == 115792089237316196603666111261383895964500887398800252671052694326794607293761 (@bignum.send(@method, 1.3)).should be_close(11109528802438156839288832.0, TOLERANCE) end it "raises a TypeError when given a non-Integer" do -> { @bignum.send(@method, mock('10')) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { @bignum.send(@method, "10") }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { @bignum.send(@method, :symbol) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "switch to a Float when the values is too big" do flt = nil -> { flt = @bignum.send(@method, @bignum) }.should complain(/warning: in a\*\*b, b may be too big/) flt.should be_kind_of(Float) flt.infinite?.should == 1 end it "returns a complex number when negative and raised to a fractional power" do (-bignum_value).send(@method, (1.0/2)).should be_close(Complex(0.0, 4294967296.0), TOLERANCE) (-@bignum).send(@method, (1.0/3)) .should be_close(Complex(1321122.9748145656, 2288252.1154253655), TOLERANCE) (-@bignum).send(@method, Rational(1,3)).should be_close(Complex(1321122.9748145656, 2288252.1154253655), TOLERANCE) end end end