require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "Integer#remainder" do context "fixnum" do it "returns the remainder of dividing self by other" do 5.remainder(3).should == 2 5.remainder(3.0).should == 2.0 5.remainder(Rational(3, 1)).should == Rational(2, 1) end it "means x-y*(x/y).truncate" do 5.remainder(3).should == 2 5.remainder(3.3).should be_close(1.7, TOLERANCE) 5.remainder(3.7).should be_close(1.3, TOLERANCE) end it "keeps sign of self" do 5.remainder( 3).should == 2 5.remainder(-3).should == 2 -5.remainder( 3).should == -2 -5.remainder(-3).should == -2 end it "raises TypeError if passed non-numeric argument" do -> { 5.remainder("3") }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { 5.remainder(:"3") }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { 5.remainder([]) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { 5.remainder(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end context "bignum" do it "returns the remainder of dividing self by other" do a = bignum_value(79) a.remainder(2).should == 1 a.remainder(97.345).should be_close(93.1349992295444, TOLERANCE) a.remainder(bignum_value).should == 79 end it "raises a ZeroDivisionError if other is zero and not a Float" do -> { bignum_value(66).remainder(0) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError) end it "does raises ZeroDivisionError if other is zero and a Float" do a = bignum_value(7) b = bignum_value(32) -> { a.remainder(0.0) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError) -> { b.remainder(-0.0) }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError) end end end