require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "Integer#anybits?" do it "returns true if and only if all the bits of the argument are set in the receiver" do 42.anybits?(42).should == true 0b1010_1010.anybits?(0b1000_0010).should == true 0b1010_1010.anybits?(0b1000_0001).should == true 0b1000_0010.anybits?(0b0010_1100).should == false different_bignum = (2 * bignum_value) & (~bignum_value) (0b1010_1010 | different_bignum).anybits?(0b1000_0010 | bignum_value).should == true (0b1010_1010 | different_bignum).anybits?(0b0010_1100 | bignum_value).should == true (0b1000_0010 | different_bignum).anybits?(0b0010_1100 | bignum_value).should == false end it "handles negative values using two's complement notation" do (~42).anybits?(42).should == false (-42).anybits?(-42).should == true (~0b100).anybits?(~0b1).should == true (~(0b100 | bignum_value)).anybits?(~(0b1 | bignum_value)).should == true end it "coerces the rhs using to_int" do obj = mock("the int 0b10") obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(0b10) 0b110.anybits?(obj).should == true end it "raises a TypeError when given a non-Integer" do -> { (obj = mock('10')).should_receive(:coerce).any_number_of_times.and_return([42,10]) 13.anybits?(obj) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { 13.anybits?("10") }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { 13.anybits?(:symbol) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end