require_relative '../fixtures/classes' describe :hash_store, shared: true do it "associates the key with the value and return the value" do h = { a: 1 } h.send(@method, :b, 2).should == 2 h.should == { b:2, a:1 } end it "duplicates string keys using dup semantics" do # dup doesn't copy singleton methods key = +"foo" def key.reverse() "bar" end h = {} h.send(@method, key, 0) h.keys[0].reverse.should == "oof" end it "stores unequal keys that hash to the same value" do h = {} k1 = ["x"] k2 = ["y"] # So they end up in the same bucket k1.should_receive(:hash).and_return(0) k2.should_receive(:hash).and_return(0) h.send(@method, k1, 1) h.send(@method, k2, 2) h.size.should == 2 end it "accepts keys with private #hash method" do key = h = {} h.send(@method, key, "foo") h[key].should == "foo" end it " accepts keys with an Integer hash" do o = mock(hash: 1 << 100) h = {} h[o] = 1 h[o].should == 1 end it "duplicates and freezes string keys" do key = +"foo" h = {} h.send(@method, key, 0) key << "bar" h.should == { "foo" => 0 } h.keys[0].should.frozen? end it "doesn't duplicate and freeze already frozen string keys" do key = "foo".freeze h = {} h.send(@method, key, 0) h.keys[0].should equal(key) end it "keeps the existing key in the hash if there is a matching one" do h = { "a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3, "d" => 4 } key1 = key2 = h[key1] = 41 key_in_hash = h.keys.last key_in_hash.should equal(key1) h[key2] = 42 last_key = h.keys.last last_key.should equal(key_in_hash) last_key.should_not equal(key2) end it "keeps the existing String key in the hash if there is a matching one" do h = { "a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3, "d" => 4 } key1 = "foo".dup key2 = "foo".dup key1.should_not equal(key2) h[key1] = 41 frozen_key = h.keys.last frozen_key.should_not equal(key1) h[key2] = 42 h.keys.last.should equal(frozen_key) h.keys.last.should_not equal(key2) end it "raises a FrozenError if called on a frozen instance" do -> { HashSpecs.frozen_hash.send(@method, 1, 2) }.should raise_error(FrozenError) end it "does not raise an exception if changing the value of an existing key during iteration" do hash = {1 => 2, 3 => 4, 5 => 6} hash.each { hash.send(@method, 1, :foo) } hash.should == {1 => :foo, 3 => 4, 5 => 6} end it "does not dispatch to hash for Boolean, Integer, Float, String, or Symbol" do code = <<-EOC load '#{fixture __FILE__, "name.rb"}' hash = {} [true, false, 1, 2.0, "hello", :ok].each do |value| hash[value] = 42 raise "incorrect value" unless hash[value] == 42 hash[value] = 43 raise "incorrect value" unless hash[value] == 43 end puts "OK" puts hash.size EOC result = ruby_exe(code, args: "2>&1") result.should == "OK\n6\n" end end