require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "Hash" do it "includes Enumerable" do Hash.include?(Enumerable).should == true end end describe "Hash#hash" do it "returns a value which doesn't depend on the hash order" do { 0=>2, 11=>1 }.hash.should == { 11=>1, 0=>2 }.hash end it "returns a value in which element values do not cancel each other out" do { a: 2, b: 2 }.hash.should_not == { a: 7, b: 7 }.hash end it "returns a value in which element keys and values do not cancel each other out" do { :a => :a }.hash.should_not == { :b => :b }.hash end it "generates a hash for recursive hash structures" do h = {} h[:a] = h (h.hash == h[:a].hash).should == true end it "returns the same hash for recursive hashes" do h = {} ; h[:x] = h h.hash.should == {x: h}.hash h.hash.should == {x: {x: h}}.hash # This is because h.eql?(x: h) # Remember that if two objects are eql? # then the need to have the same hash. # Check the Hash#eql? specs! end it "returns the same hash for recursive hashes through arrays" do h = {} ; rec = [h] ; h[:x] = rec h.hash.should == {x: rec}.hash h.hash.should == {x: [h]}.hash # Like above, because h.eql?(x: [h]) end ruby_version_is "3.1" do it "allows omitting values" do a = 1 b = 2 eval('{a:, b:}.should == { a: 1, b: 2 }') end end end