require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__) describe "Hash#fetch" do it "returns the value for key" do { a: 1, b: -1 }.fetch(:b).should == -1 end it "raises a KeyError if key is not found" do lambda { {}.fetch(:a) }.should raise_error(KeyError) lambda { }.should raise_error(KeyError) lambda { { 5 }.fetch(:a) }.should raise_error(KeyError) end it "returns default if key is not found when passed a default" do {}.fetch(:a, nil).should == nil {}.fetch(:a, 'not here!').should == "not here!" { a: nil }.fetch(:a, 'not here!').should == nil end it "returns value of block if key is not found when passed a block" do {}.fetch('a') { |k| k + '!' }.should == "a!" end it "gives precedence to the default block over the default argument when passed both" do lambda { @result = {}.fetch(9, :foo) { |i| i * i } }.should complain(/block supersedes default value argument/) @result.should == 81 end it "raises an ArgumentError when not passed one or two arguments" do lambda { {}.fetch() }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { {}.fetch(1, 2, 3) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end