require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' describe "Hash#[]" do it "returns the value for key" do obj = mock('x') h = { 1 => 2, 3 => 4, "foo" => "bar", obj => obj, [] => "baz" } h[1].should == 2 h[3].should == 4 h["foo"].should == "bar" h[obj].should == obj h[[]].should == "baz" end it "returns nil as default default value" do { 0 => 0 }[5].should == nil end it "returns the default (immediate) value for missing keys" do h = h[:a].should == 5 h[:a] = 0 h[:a].should == 0 h[:b].should == 5 end it "calls subclass implementations of default" do h = h[:nothing].should == 100 end it "does not create copies of the immediate default value" do str = +"foo" h = a = h[:a] b = h[:b] a << "bar" a.should equal(b) a.should == "foobar" b.should == "foobar" end it "returns the default (dynamic) value for missing keys" do h = { |hsh, k| k.kind_of?(Numeric) ? hsh[k] = k + 2 : hsh[k] = k } h[1].should == 3 h['this'].should == 'this' h.should == { 1 => 3, 'this' => 'this' } i = 0 h = { |hsh, key| i += 1 } h[:foo].should == 1 h[:foo].should == 2 h[:bar].should == 3 end it "does not return default values for keys with nil values" do h = h[:a] = nil h[:a].should == nil h = { 5 } h[:a] = nil h[:a].should == nil end it "compares keys with eql? semantics" do { 1.0 => "x" }[1].should == nil { 1.0 => "x" }[1.0].should == "x" { 1 => "x" }[1.0].should == nil { 1 => "x" }[1].should == "x" end it "compares key via hash" do x = mock('0') x.should_receive(:hash).and_return(0) h = {} # 1.9 only calls #hash if the hash had at least one entry beforehand. h[:foo] = :bar h[x].should == nil end it "does not compare keys with different #hash values via #eql?" do x = mock('x') x.should_not_receive(:eql?) x.stub!(:hash).and_return(0) y = mock('y') y.should_not_receive(:eql?) y.stub!(:hash).and_return(1) { y => 1 }[x].should == nil end it "compares keys with the same #hash value via #eql?" do x = mock('x') x.should_receive(:eql?).and_return(true) x.stub!(:hash).and_return(42) y = mock('y') y.should_not_receive(:eql?) y.stub!(:hash).and_return(42) { y => 1 }[x].should == 1 end it "finds a value via an identical key even when its #eql? isn't reflexive" do x = mock('x') x.should_receive(:hash).at_least(1).and_return(42) x.stub!(:eql?).and_return(false) # Stubbed for clarity and latitude in implementation; not actually sent by MRI. { x => :x }[x].should == :x end it "supports keys with private #hash method" do key = { key => 42 }[key].should == 42 end it "does not dispatch to hash for Boolean, Integer, Float, String, or Symbol" do code = <<-EOC load '#{fixture __FILE__, "name.rb"}' hash = { true => 42, false => 42, 1 => 42, 2.0 => 42, "hello" => 42, :ok => 42 } [true, false, 1, 2.0, "hello", :ok].each do |value| raise "incorrect value" unless hash[value] == 42 end puts "Ok." EOC result = ruby_exe(code, args: "2>&1") result.should == "Ok.\n" end end