require_relative '../fixtures/classes' describe :float_arithmetic_exception_in_coerce, shared: true do ruby_version_is ""..."2.5" do it "rescues exception (StandardError and subclasses) raised in other#coerce and raises TypeError" do b = mock("numeric with failed #coerce") b.should_receive(:coerce).and_raise(FloatSpecs::CoerceError) # e.g. 1.0 > b -> { 1.0.send(@method, b) }.should raise_error(TypeError, /MockObject can't be coerced into Float/) end it "does not rescue Exception and StandardError siblings raised in other#coerce" do [Exception, NoMemoryError].each do |exception| b = mock("numeric with failed #coerce") b.should_receive(:coerce).and_raise(exception) # e.g. 1.0 > b -> { 1.0.send(@method, b) }.should raise_error(exception) end end end ruby_version_is "2.5" do it "does not rescue exception raised in other#coerce" do b = mock("numeric with failed #coerce") b.should_receive(:coerce).and_raise(FloatSpecs::CoerceError) # e.g. 1.0 > b -> { 1.0.send(@method, b) }.should raise_error(FloatSpecs::CoerceError) end end end