require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe "Fixnum#-" do it "returns self minus the given Integer" do (5 - 10).should == -5 (9237212 - 5_280).should == 9231932 (781 - 0.5).should == 780.5 (2_560_496 - bignum_value).should == -9223372036852215312 end it "returns a Bignum only if the result is too large to be a Fixnum" do (5 - 10).should be_an_instance_of Fixnum (-1 - bignum_value).should be_an_instance_of Bignum bignum_zero = bignum_value.coerce(0).first (1 - bignum_zero).should be_an_instance_of Fixnum (fixnum_min - 1).should be_an_instance_of(Bignum) end it "raises a TypeError when given a non-Integer" do lambda { (obj = mock('10')).should_receive(:to_int).any_number_of_times.and_return(10) 13 - obj }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { 13 - "10" }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { 13 - :symbol }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end