require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe "Fixnum#&" do it "returns self bitwise AND other" do (256 & 16).should == 0 (2010 & 5).should == 0 (65535 & 1).should == 1 (0xffff & bignum_value + 0xffff_ffff).should == 65535 end it "returns self bitwise AND other when one operand is negative" do ((1 << 33) & -1).should == (1 << 33) (-1 & (1 << 33)).should == (1 << 33) ((-(1<<33)-1) & 5).should == 5 (5 & (-(1<<33)-1)).should == 5 end it "returns self bitwise AND other when both operands are negative" do (-5 & -1).should == -5 (-3 & -4).should == -4 (-12 & -13).should == -16 (-13 & -12).should == -16 end it "returns self bitwise AND a Bignum" do (-1 & 2**64).should == 18446744073709551616 end it "coerces the rhs and calls #coerce" do obj = mock("fixnum bit and") obj.should_receive(:coerce).with(6).and_return([3, 6]) (6 & obj).should == 2 end it "raises a TypeError when passed a Float" do lambda { (3 & 3.4) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError and does not call #to_int when defined on an object" do obj = mock("fixnum bit and") obj.should_not_receive(:to_int) lambda { 3 & obj }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end