require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../../../shared/file/setuid', __FILE__) describe "File.setuid?" do it_behaves_like :file_setuid, :setuid?, File end describe "File.setuid?" do before :each do @name = tmp('test.txt') touch @name end after :each do rm_r @name end it "returns false if the file was just made" do File.setuid?(@name).should == false end it "returns false if the file does not exist" do rm_r @name # delete it prematurely, just for this part File.setuid?(@name).should == false end platform_is_not :windows do it "returns true when the gid bit is set" do platform_is :solaris do # Solaris requires execute bit before setting suid system "chmod u+x #{@name}" end system "chmod u+s #{@name}" File.setuid?(@name).should == true end end end