require_relative '../../spec_helper' ruby_version_is "2.5" do describe "File.lutime" do platform_is_not :windows do before :each do @atime = Time.utc(2000) @mtime = Time.utc(2001) @file = tmp("specs_lutime_file") @symlink = tmp("specs_lutime_symlink") touch @file File.symlink(@file, @symlink) end after :each do rm_r @file, @symlink end it "sets the access and modification time for a regular file" do File.lutime(@atime, @mtime, @file) stat = File.stat(@file) stat.atime.should == @atime stat.mtime.should === @mtime end it "sets the access and modification time for a symlink" do original = File.stat(@file) File.lutime(@atime, @mtime, @symlink) stat = File.lstat(@symlink) stat.atime.should == @atime stat.mtime.should === @mtime file = File.stat(@file) file.atime.should == original.atime file.mtime.should == original.mtime end end end end