require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "File.dirname" do it "returns all the components of filename except the last one" do File.dirname('/home/jason').should == '/home' File.dirname('/home/jason/poot.txt').should == '/home/jason' File.dirname('poot.txt').should == '.' File.dirname('/holy///schnikies//w00t.bin').should == '/holy///schnikies' File.dirname('').should == '.' File.dirname('/').should == '/' File.dirname('/foo/foo').should == '/foo' end ruby_version_is '3.1' do it "returns all the components of filename except the last parts by the level" do File.dirname('/home/jason', 2).should == '/' File.dirname('/home/jason/poot.txt', 2).should == '/home' end it "returns the same string if the level is 0" do File.dirname('poot.txt', 0).should == 'poot.txt' File.dirname('/', 0).should == '/' end it "raises ArgumentError if the level is negative" do -> {File.dirname('/home/jason', -1)}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end it "returns a String" do File.dirname("foo").should be_kind_of(String) end it "does not modify its argument" do x = "/usr/bin" File.dirname(x) x.should == "/usr/bin" end it "ignores a trailing /" do File.dirname("/foo/bar/").should == "/foo" end it "returns the return all the components of filename except the last one (unix format)" do File.dirname("foo").should =="." File.dirname("/foo").should =="/" File.dirname("/foo/bar").should =="/foo" File.dirname("/foo/bar.txt").should =="/foo" File.dirname("/foo/bar/baz").should =="/foo/bar" end it "returns all the components of filename except the last one (edge cases on all platforms)" do File.dirname("").should == "." File.dirname(".").should == "." File.dirname("./").should == "." File.dirname("./b/./").should == "./b" File.dirname("..").should == "." File.dirname("../").should == "." File.dirname("/").should == "/" File.dirname("/.").should == "/" File.dirname("/foo/").should == "/" File.dirname("/foo/.").should == "/foo" File.dirname("/foo/./").should == "/foo" File.dirname("/foo/../.").should == "/foo/.." File.dirname("foo/../").should == "foo" end platform_is_not :windows do it "returns all the components of filename except the last one (edge cases on non-windows)" do File.dirname('/////').should == '/' File.dirname("//foo//").should == "/" File.dirname('foo\bar').should == '.' File.dirname('/foo\bar').should == '/' File.dirname('foo/bar\baz').should == 'foo' end end platform_is :windows do it "returns all the components of filename except the last one (edge cases on windows)" do File.dirname("//foo").should == "//foo" File.dirname("//foo//").should == "//foo" File.dirname('/////').should == '//' end end it "accepts an object that has a #to_path method" do File.dirname(mock_to_path("/")).should == "/" end it "raises a TypeError if not passed a String type" do -> { File.dirname(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { File.dirname(0) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { File.dirname(true) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { File.dirname(false) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end # Windows specific tests platform_is :windows do it "returns the return all the components of filename except the last one (Windows format)" do File.dirname("C:\\foo\\bar\\baz.txt").should =="C:\\foo\\bar" File.dirname("C:\\foo\\bar").should =="C:\\foo" File.dirname("C:\\foo\\bar\\").should == "C:\\foo" File.dirname("C:\\foo").should == "C:\\" File.dirname("C:\\").should =="C:\\" end it "returns the return all the components of filename except the last one (windows unc)" do File.dirname("\\\\foo\\bar\\baz.txt").should == "\\\\foo\\bar" File.dirname("\\\\foo\\bar\\baz").should == "\\\\foo\\bar" File.dirname("\\\\foo").should =="\\\\foo" File.dirname("\\\\foo\\bar").should =="\\\\foo\\bar" File.dirname("\\\\\\foo\\bar").should =="\\\\foo\\bar" File.dirname("\\\\\\foo").should =="\\\\foo" end it "returns the return all the components of filename except the last one (forward_slash)" do File.dirname("C:/").should == "C:/" File.dirname("C:/foo").should == "C:/" File.dirname("C:/foo/bar").should == "C:/foo" File.dirname("C:/foo/bar/").should == "C:/foo" File.dirname("C:/foo/bar//").should == "C:/foo" end end end