require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "An Exception reaching the top level" do it "is printed on STDERR" do ruby_exe('raise "foo"', args: "2>&1", exit_status: 1).should =~ /in [`']
': foo \(RuntimeError\)/ end it "the Exception#cause is printed to STDERR with backtraces" do code = <<-RUBY def raise_cause raise "the cause" # 2 end def raise_wrapped raise "wrapped" # 5 end begin raise_cause # 8 rescue raise_wrapped # 10 end RUBY lines = ruby_exe(code, args: "2>&1", exit_status: 1).lines! { |l| l.chomp[/:(\d+:in.+)/, 1] } lines[0].should =~ /\A5:in [`'](?:Object#)?raise_wrapped': wrapped \(RuntimeError\)\z/ if lines[1].include? 'rescue in' # CRuby < 3.4 has an extra 'rescue in' backtrace entry lines[1].should =~ /\A10:in [`']rescue in
'\z/ lines.delete_at 1 lines[1].should =~ /\A7:in [`']
'\z/ else lines[1].should =~ /\A10:in [`']
'\z/ end lines[2].should =~ /\A2:in [`'](?:Object#)?raise_cause': the cause \(RuntimeError\)\z/ lines[3].should =~ /\A8:in [`']
'\z/ lines.size.should == 4 end describe "with a custom backtrace" do it "is printed on STDERR" do code = <<-RUBY raise RuntimeError, "foo", [ "/dir/foo.rb:10:in `raising'", "/dir/bar.rb:20:in `caller'", ] RUBY ruby_exe(code, args: "2>&1", exit_status: 1).should == <<-EOS /dir/foo.rb:10:in `raising': foo (RuntimeError) \tfrom /dir/bar.rb:20:in `caller' EOS end end describe "kills all threads and fibers, ensure clauses are only run for threads current fibers, not for suspended fibers" do it "with ensure on the root fiber" do file = fixture(__FILE__, "thread_fiber_ensure.rb") ruby_exe(file, args: "2>&1", exit_status: 0).should == "current fiber ensure\n" end it "with ensure on non-root fiber" do file = fixture(__FILE__, "thread_fiber_ensure_non_root_fiber.rb") ruby_exe(file, args: "2>&1", exit_status: 0).should == "current fiber ensure\n" end end end