require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "An Exception reaching the top level" do it "is printed on STDERR" do ruby_exe('raise "foo"', args: "2>&1", exit_status: 1).should.include?("in `
': foo (RuntimeError)") end ruby_version_is "2.6" do it "the Exception#cause is printed to STDERR with backtraces" do code = <<-RUBY def raise_cause raise "the cause" end def raise_wrapped raise "wrapped" end begin raise_cause rescue raise_wrapped end RUBY lines = ruby_exe(code, args: "2>&1", exit_status: 1).lines lines.reject! { |l| l.include?('rescue in') }! { |l| l.chomp[/:(in.+)/, 1] } lines.should == ["in `raise_wrapped': wrapped (RuntimeError)", "in `
'", "in `raise_cause': the cause (RuntimeError)", "in `
'"] end end describe "with a custom backtrace" do it "is printed on STDERR" do code = <<-RUBY raise RuntimeError, "foo", [ "/dir/foo.rb:10:in `raising'", "/dir/bar.rb:20:in `caller'", ] RUBY ruby_exe(code, args: "2>&1", exit_status: 1).should == <<-EOS /dir/foo.rb:10:in `raising': foo (RuntimeError) \tfrom /dir/bar.rb:20:in `caller' EOS end end end