require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "" do it "takes a signal number as the first argument" do exc =["INT"]) exc.signo.should == Signal.list["INT"] exc.signm.should == "SIGINT" exc.message.should == "SIGINT" end it "raises an exception with an invalid signal number" do -> { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "takes a signal name without SIG prefix as the first argument" do exc ="INT") exc.signo.should == Signal.list["INT"] exc.signm.should == "SIGINT" exc.message.should == "SIGINT" end it "takes a signal name with SIG prefix as the first argument" do exc ="SIGINT") exc.signo.should == Signal.list["INT"] exc.signm.should == "SIGINT" exc.message.should == "SIGINT" end it "raises an exception with an invalid signal name" do -> {"NONEXISTENT") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end ruby_version_is "2.6" do it "raises an exception with an invalid first argument type" do -> { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end it "takes a signal symbol without SIG prefix as the first argument" do exc = exc.signo.should == Signal.list["INT"] exc.signm.should == "SIGINT" exc.message.should == "SIGINT" end it "takes a signal symbol with SIG prefix as the first argument" do exc = exc.signo.should == Signal.list["INT"] exc.signm.should == "SIGINT" exc.message.should == "SIGINT" end it "raises an exception with an invalid signal name" do -> { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "takes an optional message argument with a signal number" do exc =["INT"], "name") exc.signo.should == Signal.list["INT"] exc.signm.should == "name" exc.message.should == "name" end it "raises an exception for an optional argument with a signal name" do -> {"INT","name") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "rescuing SignalException" do it "raises a SignalException when sent a signal" do begin Process.kill :TERM, sleep rescue SignalException => e e.signo.should == Signal.list["TERM"] e.signm.should == "SIGTERM" e.message.should == "SIGTERM" end end end describe "SignalException" do it "can be rescued" do ruby_exe(<<-RUBY) begin raise SignalException, 'SIGKILL' rescue SignalException exit(0) end exit(1) RUBY $?.exitstatus.should == 0 end platform_is_not :windows do it "runs after at_exit" do output = ruby_exe(<<-RUBY, exit_status: nil) at_exit do puts "hello" $stdout.flush end raise SignalException, 'SIGKILL' RUBY $?.termsig.should == Signal.list.fetch("KILL") output.should == "hello\n" end it "cannot be trapped with Signal.trap" do ruby_exe(<<-RUBY, exit_status: nil) Signal.trap("PROF") {} raise(SignalException, "PROF") RUBY $?.termsig.should == Signal.list.fetch("PROF") end it "self-signals for USR1" do ruby_exe("raise(SignalException, 'USR1')", exit_status: nil) $?.termsig.should == Signal.list.fetch('USR1') end end end