require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "Exception#full_message" do it "returns formatted string of exception using the same format that is used to print an uncaught exceptions to stderr" do e ="Some runtime error") e.set_backtrace(["a.rb:1", "b.rb:2"]) full_message = e.full_message full_message.should include "RuntimeError" full_message.should include "Some runtime error" full_message.should include "a.rb:1" full_message.should include "b.rb:2" end it "supports :highlight option and adds escape sequences to highlight some strings" do e ="Some runtime error") full_message = e.full_message(highlight: true, order: :top).lines full_message[0].should.end_with? "\e[1mSome runtime error (\e[1;4mRuntimeError\e[m\e[1m)\e[m\n" full_message = e.full_message(highlight: true, order: :bottom).lines full_message[0].should == "\e[1mTraceback\e[m (most recent call last):\n" full_message[-1].should.end_with? "\e[1mSome runtime error (\e[1;4mRuntimeError\e[m\e[1m)\e[m\n" full_message = e.full_message(highlight: false, order: :top).lines full_message[0].should.end_with? "Some runtime error (RuntimeError)\n" full_message = e.full_message(highlight: false, order: :bottom).lines full_message[0].should == "Traceback (most recent call last):\n" full_message[-1].should.end_with? "Some runtime error (RuntimeError)\n" end it "supports :order option and places the error message and the backtrace at the top or the bottom" do e ="Some runtime error") e.set_backtrace(["a.rb:1", "b.rb:2"]) e.full_message(order: :top, highlight: false).should =~ /a.rb:1.*b.rb:2/m e.full_message(order: :bottom, highlight: false).should =~ /b.rb:2.*a.rb:1/m end it "shows the caller if the exception has no backtrace" do e ="Some runtime error") e.backtrace.should == nil full_message = e.full_message(highlight: false, order: :top).lines full_message[0].should.start_with?("#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__-1}:in ") full_message[0].should.end_with?("': Some runtime error (RuntimeError)\n") end describe "includes details about whether an exception was handled" do describe "RuntimeError" do it "should report as unhandled if message is empty" do err ="") err.full_message.should =~ /unhandled exception/ err.full_message(highlight: true).should =~ /unhandled exception/ err.full_message(highlight: false).should =~ /unhandled exception/ end it "should not report as unhandled if the message is not empty" do err ="non-empty") err.full_message.should !~ /unhandled exception/ err.full_message(highlight: true).should !~ /unhandled exception/ err.full_message(highlight: false).should !~ /unhandled exception/ end it "should not report as unhandled if the message is nil" do err = err.full_message.should !~ /unhandled exception/ err.full_message(highlight: true).should !~ /unhandled exception/ err.full_message(highlight: false).should !~ /unhandled exception/ end it "should not report as unhandled if the message is not specified" do err = err.full_message.should !~ /unhandled exception/ err.full_message(highlight: true).should !~ /unhandled exception/ err.full_message(highlight: false).should !~ /unhandled exception/ end end describe "generic Error" do it "should not report as unhandled in any event" do"").full_message.should !~ /unhandled exception/"non-empty").full_message.should !~ /unhandled exception/ end end end it "shows the exception class at the end of the first line of the message when the message contains multiple lines" do begin line = __LINE__; raise "first line\nsecond line" rescue => e full_message = e.full_message(highlight: false, order: :top).lines full_message[0].should.start_with?("#{__FILE__}:#{line}:in ") full_message[0].should.end_with?(": first line (RuntimeError)\n") full_message[1].should == "second line\n" end end it "highlights the entire message when the message contains multiple lines" do begin line = __LINE__; raise "first line\nsecond line\nthird line" rescue => e full_message = e.full_message(highlight: true, order: :top).lines full_message[0].should.start_with?("#{__FILE__}:#{line}:in ") full_message[0].should.end_with?(": \e[1mfirst line (\e[1;4mRuntimeError\e[m\e[1m)\e[m\n") full_message[1].should == "\e[1msecond line\e[m\n" full_message[2].should == "\e[1mthird line\e[m\n" end end it "contains cause of exception" do begin begin raise 'the cause' rescue raise 'main exception' end rescue => e exception = e end exception.full_message.should include "main exception" exception.full_message.should include "the cause" end it 'contains all the chain of exceptions' do begin begin begin raise 'origin exception' rescue raise 'intermediate exception' end rescue raise 'last exception' end rescue => e exception = e end exception.full_message.should include "last exception" exception.full_message.should include "intermediate exception" exception.full_message.should include "origin exception" end ruby_version_is "3.2" do it "relies on #detailed_message" do e ="new error") e.define_singleton_method(:detailed_message) { |**| "DETAILED MESSAGE" } e.full_message.lines.first.should =~ /DETAILED MESSAGE/ end it "passes all its own keyword arguments (with :highlight default value and without :order default value) to #detailed_message" do e ="new error") options_passed = nil e.define_singleton_method(:detailed_message) do |**options| options_passed = options "DETAILED MESSAGE" end e.full_message(foo: "bar") options_passed.should == { foo: "bar", highlight: Exception.to_tty? } end it "converts #detailed_message returned value to String if it isn't a String" do message = def message.to_str; "DETAILED MESSAGE"; end e ="new error") e.define_singleton_method(:detailed_message) { |**| message } e.full_message.lines.first.should =~ /DETAILED MESSAGE/ end it "uses class name if #detailed_message returns nil" do e ="new error") e.define_singleton_method(:detailed_message) { |**| nil } e.full_message(highlight: false).lines.first.should =~ /RuntimeError/ e.full_message(highlight: true).lines.first.should =~ /#{Regexp.escape("\e[1;4mRuntimeError\e[m")}/ end it "uses class name if exception object doesn't respond to #detailed_message" do e ="new error") class << e undef :detailed_message end e.full_message(highlight: false).lines.first.should =~ /RuntimeError/ e.full_message(highlight: true).lines.first.should =~ /#{Regexp.escape("\e[1;4mRuntimeError\e[m")}/ end end end