require_relative 'spec_helper' require_relative 'shared/to_hash' describe "ENV.to_h" do it_behaves_like :env_to_hash, :to_h context "with block" do before do @orig_hash = ENV.to_hash end after do ENV.replace @orig_hash end it "converts [key, value] pairs returned by the block to a hash" do ENV.replace("a" => "b", "c" => "d") ENV.to_h { |k, v| [k, v.upcase] }.should == { 'a' => "B", 'c' => "D" } end it "does not require the array elements to be strings" do ENV.replace("a" => "b", "c" => "d") ENV.to_h { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v.to_sym] }.should == { :a => :b, :c => :d } end it "raises ArgumentError if block returns longer or shorter array" do -> do ENV.to_h { |k, v| [k, v.upcase, 1] } end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /element has wrong array length/) -> do ENV.to_h { |k, v| [k] } end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /element has wrong array length/) end it "raises TypeError if block returns something other than Array" do -> do ENV.to_h { |k, v| "not-array" } end.should raise_error(TypeError, /wrong element type String/) end it "coerces returned pair to Array with #to_ary" do x = mock('x') x.stub!(:to_ary).and_return([:b, 'b']) ENV.to_h { |k| x }.should == { :b => 'b' } end it "does not coerce returned pair to Array with #to_a" do x = mock('x') x.stub!(:to_a).and_return([:b, 'b']) -> do ENV.to_h { |k| x } end.should raise_error(TypeError, /wrong element type MockObject/) end end end