describe :env_update, shared: true do before :each do @saved_foo = ENV["foo"] @saved_bar = ENV["bar"] end after :each do ENV["foo"] = @saved_foo ENV["bar"] = @saved_bar end it "adds the parameter hash to ENV, returning ENV" do ENV.send(@method, "foo" => "0", "bar" => "1").should equal(ENV) ENV["foo"].should == "0" ENV["bar"].should == "1" end it "returns ENV when no block given" do ENV.send(@method, {"foo" => "0", "bar" => "1"}).should equal(ENV) end it "yields key, the old value and the new value when replacing an entry" do ENV.send @method, {"foo" => "0", "bar" => "3"} a = [] ENV.send @method, {"foo" => "1", "bar" => "4"} do |key, old, new| a << [key, old, new] new end a[0].should == ["foo", "0", "1"] a[1].should == ["bar", "3", "4"] end it "yields key, the old value and the new value when replacing an entry" do ENV.send @method, {"foo" => "0", "bar" => "3"} ENV.send @method, {"foo" => "1", "bar" => "4"} do |key, old, new| (new.to_i + 1).to_s end ENV["foo"].should == "2" ENV["bar"].should == "5" end ruby_version_is "2.7" do # BUG: it "does not evaluate the block when the name is new" do ENV.delete("bar") ENV.send @method, {"foo" => "0"} ENV.send(@method, "bar" => "1") { |key, old, new| fail "Should not get here" } ENV["bar"].should == "1" end # BUG: it "does not use the block's return value as the value when the name is new" do ENV.delete("bar") ENV.send @method, {"foo" => "0"} ENV.send(@method, "bar" => "1") { |key, old, new| "Should not use this value" } ENV["foo"].should == "0" ENV["bar"].should == "1" end end it "returns ENV when block given" do ENV.send(@method, {"foo" => "0", "bar" => "1"}){}.should equal(ENV) end it "raises TypeError when a name is not coercible to String" do -> { ENV.send @method, => "0" }.should raise_error(TypeError, "no implicit conversion of Object into String") end it "raises TypeError when a value is not coercible to String" do -> { ENV.send @method, "foo" => }.should raise_error(TypeError, "no implicit conversion of Object into String") end it "raises Errno::EINVAL when a name contains the '=' character" do -> { ENV.send(@method, "foo=" => "bar") }.should raise_error(Errno::EINVAL) end it "raises Errno::EINVAL when a name is an empty string" do -> { ENV.send(@method, "" => "bar") }.should raise_error(Errno::EINVAL) end it "updates good data preceding an error" do ENV["foo"] = "0" begin ENV.send @method, {"foo" => "2", => "1"} rescue TypeError ensure ENV["foo"].should == "2" end end it "does not update good data following an error" do ENV["foo"] = "0" begin ENV.send @method, { => "1", "foo" => "2"} rescue TypeError ensure ENV["foo"].should == "0" end end end