require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative '../../shared/hash/key_error' require_relative 'fixtures/common' describe "ENV.fetch" do before :each do @foo_saved = ENV.delete("foo") end after :each do ENV["foo"] = @saved_foo end it "returns a value" do ENV["foo"] = "bar" ENV.fetch("foo").should == "bar" end it "raises a TypeError if the key is not a String" do -> { ENV.fetch }.should raise_error(TypeError, "no implicit conversion of Object into String") end context "when the key is not found" do it_behaves_like :key_error, -> obj, key { obj.fetch(key) }, ENV it "formats the object with #inspect in the KeyError message" do -> { ENV.fetch('foo') }.should raise_error(KeyError, 'key not found: "foo"') end end it "provides the given default parameter" do ENV.fetch("foo", "default").should == "default" end it "does not insist that the default be a String" do ENV.fetch("foo", :default).should == :default end it "provides a default value from a block" do ENV.fetch("foo") { |k| "wanted #{k}" }.should == "wanted foo" end it "does not insist that the block return a String" do ENV.fetch("foo") { |k| k.to_sym }.should == :foo end it "warns on block and default parameter given" do -> do ENV.fetch("foo", "default") { "bar" }.should == "bar" end.should complain(/block supersedes default value argument/) end it "does not evaluate the block when key found" do ENV["foo"] = "bar" ENV.fetch("foo") { fail "should not get here"}.should == "bar" end it "uses the locale encoding" do ENV["foo"] = "bar" ENV.fetch("foo").encoding.should == ENVSpecs.encoding end end