# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- describe :dir_glob, shared: true do before :all do DirSpecs.create_mock_dirs @cwd = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir DirSpecs.mock_dir end after :all do Dir.chdir @cwd DirSpecs.delete_mock_dirs end it "raises an Encoding::CompatibilityError if the argument encoding is not compatible with US-ASCII" do pattern = "file*".force_encoding Encoding::UTF_16BE -> { Dir.send(@method, pattern) }.should raise_error(Encoding::CompatibilityError) end it "calls #to_path to convert a pattern" do obj = mock('file_one.ext') obj.should_receive(:to_path).and_return('file_one.ext') Dir.send(@method, obj).should == %w[file_one.ext] end ruby_version_is ""..."2.6" do it "splits the string on \\0 if there is only one string given" do Dir.send(@method, "file_o*\0file_t*").should == %w!file_one.ext file_two.ext! end end ruby_version_is "2.6"..."2.7" do it "splits the string on \\0 if there is only one string given and warns" do -> { Dir.send(@method, "file_o*\0file_t*").should == %w!file_one.ext file_two.ext! }.should complain(/warning: use glob patterns list instead of nul-separated patterns/) end end ruby_version_is "2.7" do it "raises an ArgumentError if the string contains \\0" do -> {Dir.send(@method, "file_o*\0file_t*")}.should raise_error ArgumentError, /nul-separated/ end end it "matches non-dotfiles with '*'" do expected = %w[ brace deeply dir dir_filename_ordering file_one.ext file_two.ext nondotfile special subdir_one subdir_two ] Dir.send(@method,'*').sort.should == expected end it "returns empty array when empty pattern provided" do Dir.send(@method, '').should == [] end it "matches regexp special +" do Dir.send(@method, 'special/+').should == ['special/+'] end platform_is_not :windows do it "matches regexp special *" do Dir.send(@method, 'special/\*').should == ['special/*'] end it "matches regexp special ?" do Dir.send(@method, 'special/\?').should == ['special/?'] end it "matches regexp special |" do Dir.send(@method, 'special/|').should == ['special/|'] end end it "matches regexp special ^" do Dir.send(@method, 'special/^').should == ['special/^'] end it "matches regexp special $" do Dir.send(@method, 'special/$').should == ['special/$'] end it "matches regexp special (" do Dir.send(@method, 'special/(').should == ['special/('] end it "matches regexp special )" do Dir.send(@method, 'special/)').should == ['special/)'] end it "matches regexp special [" do Dir.send(@method, 'special/\[').should == ['special/['] end it "matches regexp special ]" do Dir.send(@method, 'special/]').should == ['special/]'] end it "matches regexp special {" do Dir.send(@method, 'special/\{').should == ['special/{'] end it "matches regexp special }" do Dir.send(@method, 'special/\}').should == ['special/}'] end it "matches paths with glob patterns" do Dir.send(@method, 'special/test\{1\}/*').should == ['special/test{1}/file[1]'] end it "matches dotfiles with '.*'" do Dir.send(@method, '.*').sort.should == %w|. .. .dotfile .dotsubdir|.sort end it "matches non-dotfiles with '*'" do Dir.send(@method, '*file').sort.should == %w|nondotfile|.sort end it "matches dotfiles with '.*'" do Dir.send(@method, '.*file').sort.should == %w|.dotfile|.sort end it "matches files with any ending with '*'" do Dir.send(@method, 'file*').sort.should == %w|file_one.ext file_two.ext|.sort end it "matches files with any middle with '*'" do Dir.send(@method, 'sub*_one').sort.should == %w|subdir_one|.sort end it "handles directories with globs" do Dir.send(@method, 'sub*/*').sort.should == %w!subdir_one/nondotfile subdir_two/nondotfile subdir_two/nondotfile.ext! end it "matches files with multiple '*' special characters" do Dir.send(@method, '*fi*e*').sort.should == %w|dir_filename_ordering nondotfile file_one.ext file_two.ext|.sort end it "matches non-dotfiles in the current directory with '**'" do expected = %w[ brace deeply dir dir_filename_ordering file_one.ext file_two.ext nondotfile special subdir_one subdir_two ] Dir.send(@method, '**').sort.should == expected end it "matches dotfiles in the current directory with '.**'" do Dir.send(@method, '.**').sort.should == %w|. .. .dotsubdir .dotfile|.sort end it "recursively matches any nondot subdirectories with '**/'" do expected = %w[ brace/ deeply/ deeply/nested/ deeply/nested/directory/ deeply/nested/directory/structure/ dir/ special/ special/test{1}/ subdir_one/ subdir_two/ ] Dir.send(@method, '**/').sort.should == expected end it "recursively matches any subdirectories including ./ and ../ with '.**/'" do Dir.chdir("#{DirSpecs.mock_dir}/subdir_one") do Dir.send(@method, '.**/').sort.should == %w|./ ../|.sort end end it "matches a single character except leading '.' with '?'" do Dir.send(@method, '?ubdir_one').sort.should == %w|subdir_one|.sort end it "accepts multiple '?' characters in a pattern" do Dir.send(@method, 'subdir_???').sort.should == %w|subdir_one subdir_two|.sort end it "matches any characters in a set with '[]'" do Dir.send(@method, '[stfu]ubdir_one').sort.should == %w|subdir_one|.sort end it "matches any characters in a range with '[-]'" do Dir.send(@method, '[a-zA-Z]ubdir_one').sort.should == %w|subdir_one|.sort end it "matches any characters except those in a set with '[^]'" do Dir.send(@method, '[^wtf]ubdir_one').sort.should == %w|subdir_one|.sort end it "matches any characters except those in a range with '[^-,,...}'" do Dir.send(@method, 'subdir_{one,two,three}').sort.should == %w|subdir_one subdir_two|.sort end it "matches a set '{,,...}' which also uses a glob" do Dir.send(@method, 'sub*_{one,two,three}').sort.should == %w|subdir_one subdir_two|.sort end it "accepts string sets with empty strings with {,,}" do a = Dir.send(@method, 'deeply/nested/directory/structure/file_one{.ext,}').sort a.should == %w|deeply/nested/directory/structure/file_one.ext deeply/nested/directory/structure/file_one|.sort end it "matches dot or non-dotfiles with '{,.}*'" do Dir.send(@method, '{,.}*').sort.should == DirSpecs.expected_paths end it "respects the order of {} expressions, expanding left most first" do files = Dir.send(@method, "brace/a{.js,.html}{.erb,.rjs}") files.should == %w!brace/a.js.rjs brace/a.html.erb! end it "respects the optional nested {} expressions" do files = Dir.send(@method, "brace/a{.{js,html},}{.{erb,rjs},}") files.should == %w!brace/a.js.rjs brace/a.js brace/a.html.erb brace/a.erb brace/a! end it "matches special characters by escaping with a backslash with '\\'" do Dir.mkdir 'foo^bar' begin Dir.send(@method, 'foo?bar').should == %w|foo^bar| Dir.send(@method, 'foo\?bar').should == [] Dir.send(@method, 'nond\otfile').should == %w|nondotfile| ensure Dir.rmdir 'foo^bar' end end it "recursively matches directories with '**/'" do Dir.send(@method, '**/*fil?{,.}*').uniq.sort.should == %w[deeply/nested/directory/structure/file_one deeply/nested/directory/structure/file_one.ext deeply/nondotfile dir/filename_ordering dir_filename_ordering file_one.ext file_two.ext nondotfile special/test{1}/file[1] subdir_one/nondotfile subdir_two/nondotfile subdir_two/nondotfile.ext] end it "ignores matching through directories that doesn't exist" do Dir.send(@method, "deeply/notthere/blah*/whatever").should == [] end it "ignores matching only directories under an nonexistent path" do Dir.send(@method, "deeply/notthere/blah/").should == [] end platform_is_not :windows do it "matches UTF-8 paths" do Dir.send(@method, "special/こんにちは{,.txt}").should == ["special/こんにちは.txt"] end end context ":base option passed" do before :each do @mock_dir = File.expand_path tmp('dir_glob_mock') %w[ a/b/x a/b/c/y a/b/c/d/z ].each do |path| file = File.join @mock_dir, path mkdir_p File.dirname(file) touch file end end after :each do rm_r @mock_dir end it "matches entries only from within the specified directory" do path = File.join(@mock_dir, "a/b/c") Dir.send(@method, "*", base: path).sort.should == %w( d y ) end it "accepts both relative and absolute paths" do require 'pathname' path_abs = File.join(@mock_dir, "a/b/c") path_rel = Pathname.new(path_abs).relative_path_from(Pathname.new(Dir.pwd)) result_abs = Dir.send(@method, "*", base: path_abs).sort result_rel = Dir.send(@method, "*", base: path_rel).sort result_abs.should == %w( d y ) result_rel.should == %w( d y ) end it "returns [] if specified path does not exist" do path = File.join(@mock_dir, "fake-name") File.should_not.exist?(path) Dir.send(@method, "*", base: path).should == [] end it "returns [] if specified path is a file" do path = File.join(@mock_dir, "a/b/x") File.should.exist?(path) Dir.send(@method, "*", base: path).should == [] end it "raises TypeError when cannot convert value to string" do -> { Dir.send(@method, "*", base: []) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "handles '' as current directory path" do Dir.chdir @mock_dir do Dir.send(@method, "*", base: "").should == %w( a ) end end it "handles nil as current directory path" do Dir.chdir @mock_dir do Dir.send(@method, "*", base: nil).should == %w( a ) end end end end describe :dir_glob_recursive, shared: true do before :each do @cwd = Dir.pwd @mock_dir = File.expand_path tmp('dir_glob_mock') %w[ a/x/b/y/e a/x/b/y/b/z/e ].each do |path| file = File.join @mock_dir, path mkdir_p File.dirname(file) touch file end Dir.chdir @mock_dir end after :each do Dir.chdir @cwd rm_r @mock_dir end it "matches multiple recursives" do expected = %w[ a/x/b/y/b/z/e a/x/b/y/e ] Dir.send(@method, 'a/**/b/**/e').uniq.sort.should == expected end platform_is_not :windows do it "ignores symlinks" do file = File.join @mock_dir, 'b/z/e' link = File.join @mock_dir, 'a/y' mkdir_p File.dirname(file) touch file File.symlink(File.dirname(file), link) expected = %w[ a/x/b/y/b/z/e a/x/b/y/e ] Dir.send(@method, 'a/**/e').uniq.sort.should == expected end end end