# encoding: utf-8 module DirSpecs def self.mock_dir(dirs = ['dir_specs_mock']) @mock_dir ||= tmp("") File.join @mock_dir, dirs end def self.nonexistent name = File.join mock_dir, "nonexistent00" name = name.next while File.exist? name name end # TODO: make these relative to the mock_dir def self.clear_dirs [ 'nonexisting', 'default_perms', 'reduced', 'always_returns_0', '???', [0xe9].pack('U') ].each do |dir| begin Dir.rmdir mock_dir(dir) rescue end end end # The names of the fixture directories and files used by # various Dir specs. def self.mock_dir_files unless @mock_dir_files @mock_dir_files = %w[ .dotfile .dotsubdir/.dotfile .dotsubdir/nondotfile deeply/.dotfile deeply/nested/.dotfile.ext deeply/nested/directory/structure/.ext deeply/nested/directory/structure/bar deeply/nested/directory/structure/baz deeply/nested/directory/structure/file_one deeply/nested/directory/structure/file_one.ext deeply/nested/directory/structure/foo deeply/nondotfile file_one.ext file_two.ext dir_filename_ordering dir/filename_ordering nondotfile subdir_one/.dotfile subdir_one/nondotfile subdir_two/nondotfile subdir_two/nondotfile.ext brace/a brace/a.js brace/a.erb brace/a.js.rjs brace/a.html.erb special/+ special/^ special/$ special/( special/) special/[ special/] special/{ special/} special/test{1}/file[1] ] platform_is_not :windows do @mock_dir_files += %w[ special/* special/? special/| special/こんにちは.txt ] end end @mock_dir_files end def self.create_mock_dirs mock_dir_files.each do |name| file = File.join mock_dir, name mkdir_p File.dirname(file) touch file end end def self.delete_mock_dirs begin rm_r mock_dir rescue Errno::ENOTEMPTY => e puts Dir["#{mock_dir}/**/*"] raise e end end def self.mock_rmdir(*dirs) mock_dir ['rmdir_dirs'].concat(dirs) end def self.rmdir_dirs(create = true) dirs = %w[ empty nonempty nonempty/child noperm noperm/child ] base_dir = mock_dir ['rmdir_dirs'] dirs.reverse_each do |d| dir = File.join base_dir, d if File.exist? dir File.chmod 0777, dir rm_r dir end end rm_r base_dir if create dirs.each do |d| dir = File.join base_dir, d unless File.exist? dir mkdir_p dir File.chmod 0777, dir end end end end def self.expected_paths %w[ . .. .dotfile .dotsubdir brace deeply dir dir_filename_ordering file_one.ext file_two.ext nondotfile special subdir_one subdir_two ] end end