require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative '../numeric/fixtures/classes' describe "Complex#to_s" do describe "when self's real component is 0" do it "returns both the real and imaginary component even when the real is 0" do Complex(0, 5).to_s.should == "0+5i" Complex(0, -3.2).to_s.should == "0-3.2i" end end it "returns self as String" do Complex(1, 5).to_s.should == "1+5i" Complex(-2.5, 1.5).to_s.should == "-2.5+1.5i" Complex(1, -5).to_s.should == "1-5i" Complex(-2.5, -1.5).to_s.should == "-2.5-1.5i" # Guard against the Mathn library guard -> { !defined?(Math.rsqrt) } do Complex(1, 0).to_s.should == "1+0i" Complex(1, -0).to_s.should == "1+0i" end end it "returns 1+0.0i for Complex(1, 0.0)" do Complex(1, 0.0).to_s.should == "1+0.0i" end it "returns 1-0.0i for Complex(1, -0.0)" do Complex(1, -0.0).to_s.should == "1-0.0i" end it "returns 1+Infinity*i for Complex(1, Infinity)" do Complex(1, infinity_value).to_s.should == "1+Infinity*i" end it "returns 1-Infinity*i for Complex(1, -Infinity)" do Complex(1, -infinity_value).to_s.should == "1-Infinity*i" end it "returns 1+NaN*i for Complex(1, NaN)" do Complex(1, nan_value).to_s.should == "1+NaN*i" end it "treats real and imaginary parts as strings" do real = # + because of real.should_receive(:to_s).and_return(+"1") imaginary = imaginary.should_receive(:to_s).and_return("2") imaginary.should_receive(:<).any_number_of_times.and_return(false) Complex(real, imaginary).to_s.should == "1+2i" end end