require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "Complex#to_f" do describe "when the imaginary part is Fixnum 0" do it "returns the result of sending #to_f to the real part" do real = mock_numeric('real') real.should_receive(:to_f).and_return(:f) Complex(real, 0).to_f.should == :f end end describe "when the imaginary part is Rational 0" do it "returns the result of sending #to_f to the real part" do real = mock_numeric('real') real.should_receive(:to_f).and_return(:f) Complex(real, Rational(0)).to_f.should == :f end end describe "when the imaginary part responds to #== 0 with true" do it "returns the result of sending #to_f to the real part" do real = mock_numeric('real') real.should_receive(:to_f).and_return(:f) imag = mock_numeric('imag') imag.should_receive(:==).with(0).any_number_of_times.and_return(true) Complex(real, imag).to_f.should == :f end end describe "when the imaginary part is non-zero" do it "raises RangeError" do lambda { Complex(0, 1).to_f }.should raise_error(RangeError) end end describe "when the imaginary part is Float 0.0" do it "raises RangeError" do lambda { Complex(0, 0.0).to_f }.should raise_error(RangeError) end end end