require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "Complex#real" do it "returns the real part of self" do Complex(1, 0).real.should == 1 Complex(2, 1).real.should == 2 Complex(6.7, 8.9).real.should == 6.7 Complex(bignum_value, 3).real.should == bignum_value end end describe "Complex#real?" do it "returns false if there is an imaginary part" do Complex(2,3).real?.should be_false end it "returns false if there is not an imaginary part" do Complex(2).real?.should be_false end it "returns false if the real part is Infinity" do Complex(infinity_value).real?.should be_false end it "returns false if the real part is NaN" do Complex(nan_value).real?.should be_false end end